Consequences of not having enough sex- what happens to us when we don't have sex?
Can you really have too little sex? Find out here what too little sex does to our psyche and the bodies of men and women!
by Bell Bennett
15 minutes read

Too little sex, does that actually exist? Isn't that just a pick-up line used by womanizers to wrap the ladies around their fingers? You can't imagine that there are consequences if we don't have enough sex? Not surprising because, after all, it happens in the best relationships that you get little to no physical love for a while. The reasons for this are very different and range from a lot of stress to pregnancies or physical distance. In fact, however, very little sex or longer periods of abstinence have a whole range of unpleasant effects on our bodies, minds, and psyches. And not only that: sex withdrawal can become downright dangerous under certain circumstances. Don't you think? We have investigated this and other questions and have compiled some fascinating information for you.
If you don't have sexual intercourse for a long period of time, you actually feel worse all around. For example, the immune system and libido can suffer – not to mention the soul. But why is this actually so? And how does regular lovemaking affect our physical and mental state? Once again, we wanted to know exactly and have spared no effort to present you with scientific facts on the subject. If you think you're not having enough sex, you should really read this article carefully. You might even find a few good reasons to enjoy the most beautiful pastime in the world even more. Or arguments why you and your sweetheart should definitely have more sex. After all, we all want to do something for our health – don't we?
What are the dangers of too little sex for men?
Although many men (and women too, of course) brush aside the possible dangers of extremely long sex breaks or don't know about them, they are part of reality. If you haven't had sex for a long time, you won't think anything of it at first and will probably suspect other causes behind physical problems. If you can't think of any other reason or if the search for one is in vain, you should actually consider sex withdrawal for your complaints. Therefore, you can learn more about the five most common disadvantages for men who live without sex here.
The immune system is rapidly weakening
Our disease defence system is a beneficiary of sex, or rather, orgasms. Did you think that a healthy lifestyle, fresh air and plenty of exercise are all that keeps your immune system top fit? Well, we'll have to prove you wrong. A study from Wilkes-Barre University in Pennsylvania uncovered an interesting link between regular sex and the immune system. The researchers tested the saliva of several test persons for immunoglobulin A (IgA). This is a protein and defence substance that is used by our body as a first reaction to ward off colds. At the same time, the doctors asked all the study participants about the frequency of sexual intercourse. Men who had sex once or twice a week had 30% higher levels of immunoglobulin A than men who had sex less. To be honest, we must add that too much sex can apparently weaken the immune system as well. Because those test participants who regularly had sex more than twice a week also had reduced IgA levels.
The research group assumes that the healthy levels are not driven up by intimate intercourse itself. It is rather the cohesion in the partnership, the feeling of connection and the relaxation after the act that are so good for the defence. So you could say that too little sex is just as unhealthy as too much sex. As is so often the case, it is the golden mean that is best for us. By the way: Kissing is also a real immune booster! It may sound a little unappetising that the countless bacteria we exchange with our partner during a long kiss are responsible for this. Nevertheless, it is precisely this fact that really gets our body's own defences going. So, dear readers- more kissing and sexing from now on, please. All for your health, of course!
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Blood pressure rises significantly
If you don't have a sex life anymore, you are likely to suffer from elevated blood pressure. The Medical Journal of Biological Psychology published a study in which the connection between a life without sex and rising blood pressure becomes clear. Already from a period of two weeks without sex in the relationship, the result shows clear tendencies: The scientists determined a higher blood pressure in all abstinent test persons than in the control group, which had regular sex. Incidentally, this applies equally to men and women. To find out where these astonishing values came from, a whole series of further tests and examinations were carried out. The doctors came to the conclusion that the results are ultimately probably due to a lack of stress reduction.
For those who have regular sexual intercourse drastically reduce the perception of stress on body and mind. So if you haven't had sex for a long time or even years, your stress levels are at the absolute limit and you should urgently do something about it. How long you can stay balanced and healthy without sex certainly varies from person to person. But it is a fact that in the above-mentioned study the values rose after only 14 days - and you should by no means underestimate the dangers of increased blood pressure. In the long run, various organs can be seriously damaged - especially the heart, the eyes, the kidneys and also our brain. In addition, the risk of vascular calcification is considerably greater in hypertensive patients than in people with blood pressure values in the normal range. In the worst case, the clogging of the veins can lead to a stroke or heart attack. But less dramatic courses of arteriosclerosis (hardening of the blood vessels) are also extremely unpleasant. So avoid heart failure, kidney problems and dementia caused by high blood pressure by indulging in more sex, for example. You can also reduce stress and keep your blood pressure in the ideal range by having sex once or twice a week. And let's be honest: isn't it great how you can combine the useful with the pleasant in such a simple way?
The risk of cancer increases
It sounds incredible at first, doesn't it? However, the highly respected Harvard University in Boston was able to prove exactly that beyond doubt in a large-scale clinical study! 21 ejaculations or more a month reduce the risk of prostate cancer - compared to four to seven orgasms a month - by as much as 50%. Again, ejaculation does not necessarily have to be through sexual intercourse. Masturbation therefore has the same success in the fight against male cancer. Although it is always said that men only think about one thing, it is estimated that only about ten percent of men really ejaculate that frequently. On average, the test participants had eight to twelve orgasms within 30 days. Better than nothing, because that reduces the risk of prostate cancer by ten percent. But this begs the question: Why shouldn't you actually come 21 times a month? Sure, your wife or girlfriend may not necessarily want to have sex with you every 1.5 days.
But maybe every two days, because after all she wants to have something from you for a long time... Anyway, in the meantime you can simply take care of your health yourself. Because cancer is really not something to be taken lightly, and the results of the Harvard study have now been confirmed several times. At this point we would like to add that despite frequent ejaculations, you should go for regular cancer check-ups from your 50th birthday at the latest. After all, having a lot of sex mainly protects you from slow-growing tumours. However, there are also aggressive, fast-growing types of cancer that unfortunately cannot really be prevented by orgasms. Nevertheless, we think that a 50% reduction in risk is a strong argument for more frequent sex, don't you?
Erectile function decreases
Are you around 50 years old? Then you should read this section very carefully. There are already several studies that confirm that men who do not have sex for long periods often suffer from erectile dysfunction. In other words, this group of people has significant difficulties getting an erection or one that is firm and long-lasting enough to have sex. The 50+ generation in particular is increasingly struggling with this problem, which is why many researchers are looking into it. Above all, however, they asked themselves the following question: If too little sex promotes or even causes the dysfunction - is regular sex then the best possible counter-treatment? And indeed, it has already been possible to prove the effect of this actually obvious solution several times. Since more and more men are suffering from erectile dysfunction well before the age of 50, younger test subjects were also included in the studies.
The results are absolutely clear: men who have an orgasm less than once a week have a 200% higher risk of developing erectile dysfunction than others. In other words, those men who come at least once in seven days reduce the likelihood of future erection problems by half. There you go - theory proven! If you do mattress sports more often, you are much less likely to have problems with your erection in old age. So why resort to little blue pills when the natural solution is obvious? Keep your penis fit and preserve your erectile capacity for the future by no longer going on sex deprivation. By the way, if you don't have a partner at your side right now, you can do it yourself. Researchers also found that it doesn't really matter whether men have sex or masturbate! In that case, orgasm is orgasm - only you notice the difference.
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The psyche suffers
Nicht zu unterschätzen sind zudem die seelischen Folgen von Sexentzug oder Enthaltsamkeit auf Männer. Jeder von uns sucht bewusst oder unbewusst im täglichen Leben nach Wärme, Aufmerksamkeit und Bestätigung. Egal, wie groß und stabil das Ego auch sein mag- ohne menschliches Feedback und Selbstbestätigungen können wir also schnell in ein seelisches Loch stürzen. Was das mit regelmäßigem Sex zu tun hat? Nun, ein gesundes Intimleben und eine stabile, fröhliche Psyche haben eine ganze Menge miteinander zu tun. Das Thema Stress hatten wir ja bereits angesprochen. Und Stress ist in der heutigen Zeit eine echte Gefahr für unser seelisches Gleichgewicht. Burnouts werden immer häufiger, weil wir von Tag zu Tag hetzen sowie Termine und Daten immer im Hinterkopf haben. Dafür brauchen wir ein Ventil, denn irgendwann kann unser Körper dem Druck nichts mehr entgegensetzen und bricht zusammen.
Sex provides the much-needed balance. It is a small island, so to speak, where time plays no role and we only deal with ourselves. So for us humans it is enormously important that certain emotional needs are satisfied. For example, we want to be needed and loved - and this desire is satisfied by regular sex.
On the contrary, if you go without sexual intercourse for a long time or even have to deal with sex deprivation in a relationship, you certainly suffer not only emotionally. If you are denied confirmation or feel useless or pushed into a corner, this also affects you physically. Psyche and body are mutually dependent on each other. If you are not feeling well psychologically, your body will also suffer.
Another problem is that many people look for substitute satisfactions. Increased eating, alcohol or drug use are often the consequences of a lack of love and affection. We certainly don't need to explain to you what consequences this can have for your health. Don't let it get that far and seduce your loved one today for a romantic tête-à-tête. After all, caressing each other's souls is important and healthy for both of you!
What too little sex does to women
It is not only men who suffer from a lack of sex; a sparse sex life can have equally unpleasant effects on the ladies of creation. Mentally, they often suffer from abstinence even more than men - often without even realising it. Especially mothers who lovingly take care of children and the household lack confirmation in their jobs. It is therefore all the more important that they can feel desired and affirmed by their partner. Sex is also equally important for both men and women in relieving stress! And just like men, blood pressure and the immune system suffer when women don't have sex. In these respects, both sexes benefit equally from physical love. However, there are naturally some differences that we would also like to address. Here are the consequences of too little sex for women:
The desire dwindles - so does the moisture
While no sex tends to make men even hornier, abstinence usually has a completely opposite effect on women. The less sex they have, the less pleasure they feel. As a result, it even makes it harder for women to feel sexually aroused when the time comes. Without frequent sex, the vagina also becomes drier and drier, which can feel very uncomfortable. You may even feel pain when your partner penetrates you after a long sex break. This is not unexpected because your vagina contracts to its normal size if you do not copulate regularly. Fortunately, all of the above consequences do not present themselves as long-lasting problems. As soon as you get going again, dear ladies, your body remembers exactly the pleasant feeling during sexual intercourse. After just a few times of sex, you will feel pleasure and become wet again just as quickly as before your sex withdrawal. And already after the first pleasure, your vagina will dilate a little and the pain of penetration will disappear. If your last sex seems like ages ago, just take extra time with foreplay and feel free to say yes to lube or oil. Of course, you can also simply prevent it by indulging in an occasional bash with yourself. After all, you know exactly how you like it and a little me-time with climax is good for you all round, dear ladies.
Periods become heavier and more painful
Too little sex often affects a woman's menstruation. This usually manifests itself in much stronger cramps and discomfort. This is because sexual climaxes have an antispasmodic effect and with regular sexual intercourse the vagina is simply better trained to relax. We also release happy hormones when we come. These so-called endorphins have an analgesic effect, which also has a beneficial effect on period pain. Did you know that sexual intercourse during your period can even help you to shorten your period? Penetration helps to expel the lining of the uterus - which otherwise happens through contractions (which are responsible for the cramps). Ingenious, isn't it? So you should also - and especially during menstruation - not give up sex, because it will really do you good!
Well, what do you say? Would you have thought it possible that sex is so damn healthy? Or to put it another way: would you have thought that too little sex can actually have serious consequences? If not, the only question that remains is when you will end your life without sex and plunge headfirst into the sheets! Because one thing is certain: you can hardly do anything for your body, mind and soul in a more pleasant way. Shoo, shoo into bed with you - and take your darling with you!
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