Is it worth working as a porn actor?
What do porn actors earn and what does a porn star salary look like? Can I earn money with videos myself?
by Bell Bennett
9 minutes read

What do porn performers earn and what does a porn star salary look like? Can I earn money with videos myself and what is life like as a porn performer? Have you ever asked yourself these or similar questions? One thing is clear: sex sells! You can find out many answers and more details about porn actor salaries and alternative ways of earning money by reading our article.
How much does a porn actor earn?
The question "How much does a porn actress earn?" depends on many criteria. Age, appearance and of course the type of act play a role in the salary. For example, different salaries are paid for certain scenes. In addition, women can charge a premium the wilder it gets. Lesbian scenes with other women and anal scenes are just two of many examples. If the woman is also penetrated anally, there may be additional surcharges. Since optics play a major role, the body must of course give what the viewer desires. This does not always have to be youth, because men have very different preferences. A mature age, a little body fat or a certain ethnic origin satisfy some cravings. Mostly, however, the young and willing woman with large breasts, a well-shaped waist and a nice butt is sought after.
Although the earnings of porn performers women as well as porn performers men vary, there is an approximate estimate. However, many porn stars are not always honest about their salary. The information on this is therefore subject to strong fluctuations. As a rule, men receive a fixed salary, while women are paid per scene. In the 80s and 90s, according to many old hands in the scene, earnings were much higher than today.
What do... earn?
Hobby porn actors: Almost nothing, especially on platforms like Youporn, for example, they often just about cover their expenses.
Amateur actors or unknown porn actors: In the lower earnings bracket, fees per shoot of 275 euros to 350 euros are not uncommon. In the higher classes, up to 750 euros are possible as a salary. In America, however, the salary can be about 20-40% higher.
Male porn actors: 460 euros to 750 euros
Male porn stars: 750 euros to 1380 euros
Female porn stars: 275 to 920 Euro + possible surcharge
Female pornstars: 1.300 Euro to 1.800 Euro + possible surcharge
Become a pornstar
After reading this, you might also want to become a porn star. But it's not as easy as it sounds. Even if you are flawless, have a great charisma and a lot of stamina, this project is not so easy to put into practice. Why? For the same reason that salaries (porn actors) have dropped significantly in the last few decades. Due to numerous new entrants in the scene, especially in Europe, there is a surplus of (hobby) porn actors. However, demand is not increasing proportionally. And as in any industry, it depends on the balance of supply and demand. Furthermore, there are more and more internet platforms where anyone can upload their own amateur porn. These decrease the demand for "real" porn stars and further damage the business.
Erotic actors also rarely become famous as porn stars. Famous porn actors, however, naturally earn more per scene than newcomers. But many quit after just a few shoots because of the low earnings. After all, you want to live off the money you earn. So since the salary is often not right, German female porn stars in particular quickly retire - a vicious circle. Another reason why female porn stars often don't have a rosy future ahead of them: at the age of 30 at the latest, a female porn actress is already too old, while male porn actors can often pursue their profession into their 40s.
How does Youporn make money?
As already mentioned, Youporn and other sites are the main reason why the professional scene is losing more and more importance. On various platforms, amateurs can simply upload their videos and thus automatically destroy the business of the professionals. The worst thing about it is that these sites are not interested in providing users with good content. Such platforms collect a lot of data and monetise it. This means that users are then shown personalised advertising, recommendations and optimised content. This is neither professional nor rewarding, for users and artists alike. What is certain, however, is that the porn industry suffers greatly. In the 90s, for example, when the internet was not yet as important as it is today, porn stars were still paid much more. Today, since every amateur filmmaker can become a porn actor and publish his own video, the earning potential is rather low.
What do you earn as an escort?
Have you ever thought about an alternative to the porn business? As an escort you are not dependent on the unpredictability of the internet. This means that you alone decide how much you want to earn and on which days you work. Of course, the more days you work, the higher your salary. Whether you work only on weekends or from Monday to Wednesday depends on your current life situation. For example, it is a good idea to do your new job alongside your main job or studies for the time being. However, you will soon notice that the job as an escort is extremely lucrative and it is definitely worth investing time in it. Not only is it more convenient to earn money as an escort, but it also exceeds the earnings of a porn actress and is therefore more lucrative. Earning money from porn is no longer necessary and is therefore a thing of the past. However, if you simply enjoy being in front of the camera, there is of course nothing to stop you from making your own videos on the side. However, if you are only interested in earning money, working as an escort is much less strenuous and much more fun.
An example of earnings as an escort lady with BB Escort
If you are a student or have a mini-job, for example, you can arrange to go on dates mainly in the evenings. In fact, you can even work five or six days a week this way.
However, let's first assume that you have three dates in one week that last a total of 23 hours. Then you will earn 5,400 euros in this time. If you manage this every week, your monthly turnover will be 21,600 euros. Although turnover does not mean profit, that sounds like a lot of money, doesn't it? The agency gets a rate of 30 per cent for your placement, after which you have about 15,000 euros left over. As in any other job, you have to pay tax on your profit, but yes, you read that right: 15,000 euros. As a monthly income, that's really not bad. Of course, it all depends on how much and how often you work. However, the free allocation of time makes you flexible and allows you to live a fairly carefree life. So instead of becoming a porn star, it's really more lucrative to work as an escort these days.
Criteria for good booking opportunities as an escort
Just as with porn stars, doctors or all other professions, not everyone can work as an escort. For example, you should be likeable, have an open and friendly nature and be able to present yourself in a sophisticated manner. Furthermore, a good tone of voice and etiquette are required. You should also be between 18 and 45 years old and not exceed a clothing size of 34 to 38. Furthermore, there are some criteria that you should fulfil as an escort lady in order to increase your chances of being booked. These include:
- Availability
- Spontaneity
- Your place of residence
- Your language skills
- Your mobility
The first two items on the list are particularly important. In order to be able to arrange appointments with the gentlemen better, you should always be reachable and available, if possible. The better you can be reached, the higher the chance that you will be booked. Furthermore, if a man waits several days for an answer, it is not surprising that he will choose another lady during this time. Likewise, your place of residence naturally contributes to how many bookings you can expect. If you live in a (large) city where there are numerous hotels, trade fairs or business meetings, the chances are much higher. If you live in a small village, this can be compensated for by mobility. As far as your language skills are concerned, it is an advantage to speak several languages. The booking of an escort lady is not only limited to German-speaking gentlemen. Men who travel on business often travel internationally. If you speak a foreign language, the gentleman will certainly be thrilled if you can talk to him in his mother tongue. If you are also available spontaneously, this is of course another big plus.
The booking of an escort lady does not only depend on the appearance of the lady, but also on the respective taste of the men. Young ladies are in demand, but sometimes a man doesn't want to attract attention by having his escort perhaps be a little too young. If you feel completely at ease with yourself and you also exude this, you come across as very likeable and this naturally leads to more bookings. With a circle of regular customers who book you again and again, you are guaranteed to build up a secure source of income!
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