Erotic Hypnosis - Pleasurable or nonsense?
When it comes to hypnosis, most of us imagine mind-controlled zombies, but hypnosis is so much more! Curious?
by Bell Bennett
11 minutes read

When we hear the word hypnosis, most of us think of zombies controlled by others, rolling across the floor on command and oblivious to the amusement of their surroundings. Too bad, because hypnosis is so much more and by no means the cheap circus trick that numerous TV shows offer us.
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What is erotic hypnosis?
Hypnosis techniques play with your imagination. The right words in the right environment trigger your secret desires and help you to follow your thoughts without reservation. The hypnotist helps his subject to focus his thoughts specifically. This creates a more or less deep trance, a natural state of relaxed concentration that sharpens perception and allows the brain to subject the body to imaginary ideas.
And what does that have to do with sex?
So the trick is to be able to give yourself completely to an imagination so that it feels like an actual experience. An idea made for sexual adventures. Because the trance allows us to enter worlds that would otherwise remain denied to us. It overcomes moral blocks and makes the impossible possible in the mind. If - and this is the point - if you can get involved. This is exactly the difference to the well-known TV shows. Hypnotic states do not arise under compulsion. They are based on willing devotion. This can be implemented on an equal basis, but can also lead to a power imbalance. This way, sensual moments alone or in a couple, but also intense BDSM games, in which the dominant part lives out his leadership position purely through words, becomes possible.
Sex und Trance
Sex and trance are not far apart. To be able to let yourself go, in intimate contact with each other, and to be completely together with all your senses, is a basic requirement for sensual sex. The main difference to an intense sexual experience in the conventional sense is that hypnosex plays in the mind and becomes only secondary, a real physical experience.
Re-experience feelings in erotic hypnosis The leading part plays with your triggers, so the experiences and ideas that excite you. He helps you to think yourself into a situation that is exciting for you with all your senses. Because orgasms, has been proven, are largely a matter of the mind. An imagination so intense that you think you have actually been in another place can lead to intense orgasms without a single touch.
You can
- exercise your secret fetishes without fear of boundary violations
- overcoming physical hurdles
- becoming a completely different person
The hypnotized person is not generally in a motionless sleep-like state. Within a waking trance, the world can continue to spin freely. It is the fixation on a specific perception that matters. This makes intensive adventures in partnership possible, which are not necessarily forgotten, but can be experienced as an event close to reality. They will only be forgotten if the hypnotist explicitly sets out to do so.
How is erotic hypnosis practiced?
The whole thing works, as I said, only if the person being hypnotized can accept and allow the hypnotist's cues. Hypnosis becomes an interaction between both parties. Impersonal instructions can also produce effects with very open participants, but they do not lead to such a deep trance as a genuine engagement brings with it. The magic of suggestion
The hypnotist suggests certain sensations and ideas to his counterpart via verbal instructions. He triggers the imagination, leads deeper and deeper into the subconscious and plays there primarily with existing contents and structures. The intense imagination of a certain perception can cause physical reactions that feel so real that their effects can sometimes only be broken with great effort of will.
- Fictitiously bound muscles remain motionless
- Body juices flow on command
- Orgasms arise as if from nothing
- Words touch like hands, even from a distance Weaving dream and reality
The impression we experience is reinforced by real perceptions. Smells and sounds make a flower bed or the beach become tangible in front of our inner eye. The partner's hand kneads a breast that the hypnotized man possesses only in his imagination. Or the tongue of her partner becomes that of an indomitable demon, venturing overlong into her wetlands. These effects go so far that they can be recalled in everyday life via individual terms.
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When can erotic hypnosis be used?
Sensual solo experience. An erotic hypnosis you can enjoy all to yourself to get closer to yourself and your body. You can access the instructions online as a download or book a personal experience with a professional hypnotist. Many practitioners personalize their offerings and voice them in a way that is customized to your personal preferences.
Overcoming inhibitions. Working with someone who is specifically trained to do this, you can approach particular blocks within hypnosis and learn to leave barriers behind in this particular area of your inner self.
Self-acceptance. In the fantasy spaces created in this way, you can continually recreate yourself. You learn to look at your potentials from other sides.
Role plays. Role plays can be intensified through specific hypnosis procedures. The role becomes tangible in hypnosis. You actually feel like the character whose traits you want to take on.
Feel what he would feel. This is one reason why top managers and top athletes also resort to hypnosis methods. This is how they make their goals experienceable.
Submission. Games between power and submission reach a completely new level, when the submissive imagines himself in drastic borderline situations, which would not be realizable in this form. If you are the one who speaks the suggestions, you have maximum access to the will of your counterpart. In no other situation will you experience such a familiar and at the same time dependent interaction.
Linguistic programming. It is possible to spontaneously evoke conditions learned in hypnosis via target terms in the waking world. In other words, to program the affected person for a reaction via hypnotic conditioning. That can mean to be able to come on a keyword or the other way around to suppress the orgasm purposefully. Against this background the idea of chastity education gets a whole new perspective.
What is Hypnokink?
Hypnokink refers to a fetish in which the process of hypnosis itself is already sexually appealing. In most cases, the submission that accompanies the hypnosis is in the center of attention.
Sometimes the content of the hypnosis session no longer plays any role at all for the sexual experience in this context. The fetish focuses the person on the experience itself.
Sometimes the term "hypnokink" is used to describe the scene itself. Then Hypnokink stands quite generally for the idea of erotic massage and possibilities of its use.
What are the limits and dangers of erotic hypnosis?
Hypnosis processes play with the subconscious. In this way it becomes possible to penetrate deeply into the soul of another person as an outsider. As expected, blockages arise in the process, which are sometimes allowed to remain justified. Not every resistance has to be broken. However, not everyone who engages in the practice of erotic hypnosis is actually prepared to deal with such situations professionally. As a result, hypnosis may have negative effects for one or the other.
Triggers. Those who do not know themselves well or are not ready for a trusting pre-talk, stumble in the worst case over triggers that cause fears and defensive reactions.
Blockages. Just as blockages can be released within hypnosis, they may be set. The ideas awakened can be recalled by the memory as real, where they are linked to other content. A smell, an object, a general idea are then linked in everyday life with fears or expectations that cannot be countered.
Programming. Who can come only on command, is dependent of the
fact that someone expresses the command. Reprogramming is unlearning the assumed suggestion, which is difficult sometimes. Those who react to everyday words with sexual reactions can find themselves facing embarrassing situations.
Dependency. Hypnosis allows us a space of experience in which we can loose ourselves completely. If the experience is very positive, an addictive experience can develop. Not only is an escape from reality possible, but there can be an inability to accept reality. Basically the same experience like other virtual realities.
How to learn erotic hypnosis?
Anyone can learn a variety of different hypnosis techniques. One is limited only in the framework in which they practice these. This means, above all, that the amateur is usually not allowed to make any healing promises, which is not planned for the use in the erotic area.
For the start, basic hypnosis courses are just as suitable as special offers for erotic hypnosis. Although many specialized books introduce the subject, it is advisable to take the first steps together with a trained and experienced person.
Self-experience allows a more intensive approach to the later hypnosis partners. Unprofessional experimentation in this field is not advisable.
Where are courses offered to learn erotic hypnosis?
Without a concrete introduction, you run the risk of making sensitive mistakes. You will find numerous online offers to help you find the ideal introduction and find your personal voice.
The courses provide you with strategies to lead your counterpart into hypnosis in different ways. Everyone's disposition is a little different here, so you should be flexible when working with changing partners.
You will learn to recognize blockages and how to deal with them. You will also be prepared for states of exception. In this way, hypnosis remains a pleasant experience for both sides.
What are the potentials of erotic hypnosis?
Self-hypnosis. Self-hypnosis can be considered a form of deep relaxation. Of course, an erotic touch can't hurt here. So you allow yourself with little effort a sexual adventure and gain at the same time the necessary balance to the stressful workday.
Apply hypnosis. With a little practice, you can add hypnosis to your erotic qualities yourself. For lovers of role play games, this is a real plus, especially if you are lucky enough to meet experimentally willing partners.
Being hypnotized. If you yourself are a very open person and respond reliably to hypnosis methods, such a session can probably give you a lot.
Perhaps you are interested in contacting a trained domina or escort lady in this matter? You would have the chance to live out forbidden desires and try yourself in daring adventures. Completely without physical risks.
Remote games. A great field of application for erotic hypnosis techniques lies in their use from a distance. People in long-distance relationships get the chance to give each other what the lack of closeness denies them. Also, as a sexual service, hypnosis is close to many people, because the overcoming is not so great as in direct contact with a stranger.
Erotic hypnosis for relaxation
Erotic hypnosis does not have to turn into a wild adventure. It may also simply be a relaxing experience. A way to approach the needs of his own body and come to rest.
For this purpose, you can download numerous of well recorded audios from the Internet. The topics are clearly phrased and, with a little patience, you should be able to find something for you. Sometimes even free of charge.
Some providers individualize these offers according to your preferences. If necessary, you can book a private setting. Even more effective is the option to learn a form of self-hypnosis. This allows you to do a little self-care at any time. The boundaries for personal sexual experience expand further.
Hopnokink with an escort date
With a little luck, you will find an escort lady who is willing to be hypnotized by your guidance. In such cases, personal boundaries should be well discussed in advance. Maybe you also like to watch how one of the ladies gets hypnotized by someone else or with the help of a recording? For sure, you will quickly find open ears for such experiments. If you are able to use hypnosis procedures for your own relaxation, this knowledge may help you to go into your first date relaxed.
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