How do I book an escort lady for several days
Eine Escort Dame über mehrere Tage als Urlaubsbegleitung zu buchen, bringt mehrere Herausforderungen mit sich. Wie Sie am besten vor gehen erfahren Sie hier!
by Bell Bennett
6 minutes read

Every man wants to enjoy his well-deserved holiday to the fullest whenever possible. What should not be missing here is the right partner at your side. If you don't have a partner at the moment, an escort lady is always a suitable alternative, or more precisely, solution. So of course now the question arises; how to organize such a date with an escort lady as company for a weekend or maybe even for a week. We would like to give you tips & assistance for the realization of a longer escort date.
The right procedure to find the right holiday companion
If you take a look at the site of BB Escort, you will find a variety of ladies, one more attractive than the other. Should you choose a model from BB Escort for a date that goes on for a period of more than 2 days, then it is not enough that the lady only looks great and offers an excellent service. The lady you choose should ideally also be on the same wavelength as you and have at least partly similar interests.
A first meeting before a long escort date
If it is possible both in terms of time and distance, it is definitely advisable to get to know said lady before such a long date. The minimum booking duration for this is 2 hours. If you would like to invite the lady for a dinner, for example, the ladies even have a separate rate for a corresponding get-to-know date of 300 euros for 2 hours. This booking is purely to clarify in advance whether a longer date is the right decision for both sides. Alternatively, you also have the option of inviting your chosen lady to the city of your choice. For this purpose, we will gladly calculate the minimum booking duration of the respective lady in advance. The minimum booking duration always depends on the distance the lady has to travel to meet you for a date.
Getting to know each other beforehand is not possible - what now?
Should you live abroad or is it simply not possible for you to get to know the lady in advance? But you still want a lady from BB Escort to accompany you on your next trip? Then this is of course also possible, even without a personal meeting. Simply contact us directly or write down your wishes and ideas, we will forward them to the lady and clarify everything accordingly with your chosen lady in advance. If necessary, we may even suggest another lady who fits better to your wishes and ideas.
Is it possible to contact the lady in advance by phone?
No, it is not possible to contact the lady by phone, however, for this situation we offer you the possibility to get to know the lady in advance via webcam. Here you have the opportunity to talk a little about personal preferences, interests and also about your ideas for the holiday together.
In this situation, the fee is 100 euros for 30 minutes.
What is the further procedure after you have found the right escort lady for your next holiday?
What are your ideas about how such a trip should proceed? Would you like to start the journey together with the lady, or should the lady only meet you at the destination?
Both are possible theoretically and therefore do not pose a problem for the model. As an agency, we take care of the entire organization of the lady's journey. Of course, we are guided by your respective wishes, whether the lady is to travel with you or whether the lady is to arrive at your holiday destination on a certain date.
Will I be charged extra for coordinating such a trip as a guest?
No, there are no fees charged by the agency for coordinating the travel arrangements. Of course, we will take over the organization of all necessary flight bookings for the lady, in consultation with your wishes and after receipt of the necessary deposit. You will, of course, receive, for your prior approval, all costs incurred for the lady's travel. These are exclusively the actual travel costs agreed with you in advance and proven.
Find the right lady for your holiday
Additional tips for booking a suitable travel Escort
Are you already known to BB Escort as a guest because you have already made some bookings in the past? Maybe the one or other lady you have already met and with whom you had a nice time is exactly the right one for your holiday. In such a case it is advisable to meet a lady whom we have already arranged for you in the past. This is the classic and safe procedure of booking a holiday through an escort agency. There are also ladies who insist on getting to know each other in advance - this is a guarantee for a smooth process and an unforgettable time.
Such a meeting over several days should always be something very special for you and the lady. A time you will always remember with pleasure and a smile. So plan this with the appropriate lead time to really make it your hoped-for dream date. We look forward to supporting you accordingly.
We as an agency would like to point out to the gentleman that BB Escort Agency only acts as an intermediary. We work on behalf of the escort lady and have a power of attorney from each lady to receive the deposit you have made. If you have any further questions, we will be happy to answer them.
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