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How the escort lady heats up the man properly

Would you like to know what makes men really hot so that you can really seduce them on your next date? Then take a look here!


by Bell Bennett

9 minutes read

How the escort lady heats up the man properly

What makes men hot? The answer to this question is certainly of burning interest to most women. You are also one of the women who would love to look a man in the head to know what he is into? After all, you want to spoil him properly and watch how he slowly loses his mind with lust? Understandable, because with a successful sex foreplay you can bring every man really up to speed.

So that you know how to arouse a man properly the next time, we present you a few foreplay variations for men. In addition, we have collected some valuable, hot tips and tricks for you. What men like during foreplay, however, varies from man to man. This means that what is perfect foreplay for one man does not necessarily satisfy the other. If you are not sure, just feel your way slowly and try out what he likes. You'll get a little help from our many foreplay man tips, which will almost certainly bring the desired success.

Practice your seduction skills as an escort lady!

What makes men horny?

What do you actually do during foreplay? There are numerous answers to this question because spoiling men can be done in different ways. During foreplay for the man, however, many women are very insecure. They themselves, of course, know what turns them on and which body regions need to be touched and how. But when it comes to the opposite sex, most think that there is only the penis here. Actually strange, women have so many erogenous zones that are distributed over the entire body. Surely, your pleasure is not limited to the genital area and the breasts, right? So, let me tell you: some things that make a woman horny can also make a man hot. Take, for example, tender foreplay with gentle kisses and caresses – men often enjoy that just as much as women. When stroking, however, it is very important not to tickle him, but really just to pamper him gently. Self-explanatory, the caresses should create a pleasant shiver and not cause a fit of laughter. What turns men on and whether it may be a sexual foreplay, erotic foreplay or tender foreplay, but of course depends on the man. For example, the beginning of a wonderful evening can be a little dirty talk or a sexy worded message. The fact is, foreplay with a man starts with an expectation.

Want to know more about dirty talk? Click here!

Stimulate his imagination

Before things even really get down to business and before the actual foreplay for men begins, this can be initiated in various ways. If you are already together, words and various gestures can give him a hint of what you want. Putting one of your fingers in his mouth and licking or sucking on it, combined with a deep look into his eyes, can be very sexy. However, practice this gesture in front of the mirror and perfect it to avoid any embarrassing incidents. Dirty talk after a gentle and appropriate transition is then always to be applied according to the situation. He may also give you a hook that you can make good use of. Arousing a man without touching him is not that difficult once you get the hang of it. In addition to optical and acoustic stimuli, a relaxed atmosphere is naturally conducive to your project. If your meeting is still ahead, you can simply use the chat. Write him promising messages, peppered with a few innuendos. It's best not to talk directly about the topic, because you want to inspire his imagination. The foreplay before sex gets in this way a great introduction and quickly makes you want more.

Lady seduces a man with blindfolds

Erotic foreplay

Many men do not find foreplay annoying at all. An extended foreplay, during which he is properly spoiled, intensifies your joint experience. Besides, this way the man is guaranteed to go crazy for you. Sex with long foreplay pleases men only when women get it right. A nice strip where you reveal sexy lingerie is definitely one of the best foreplay tips. Did you know that red lingerie in particular is considered enormously hot among men? After all, the eye eats with you and foreplay before sex will be more beautiful if he may unwrap you from these lingerie. During foreplay for him, after the introductory phase, you can then gladly lend a hand. The erogenous zones of a man, which are by no means limited to his penis, want to be pampered finally ...

Erogenous zones of a man

During male foreplay, as mentioned earlier, you should approach slowly or ask him what he enjoys. Some places are sensitive, but he may not want to be touched there or find the touch unpleasant. What turns men on and what does not, is therefore not always so easy to answer. Turn-offs are in any case too much small talk in bed, long fingernails that may bother him in sensitive areas and the use of teeth when blowing. If you pay attention to these little things when pampering a man's erogenous zones, however, nothing can go wrong. You don't know how to arouse man(s)? The erogenous zones are:

How to really seduce a man up in bed

  • The mouth, neck and ears

A hot and passionate kiss pleases every man. Do not be shy or reserved and let him nibble on your lips. Nibble in return on his ear and whisper him possibly something dirty inside. Caress his neck lightly with your fingertips and there will be no stopping … 

  • The perineal

A particularly hot iron is the perineum. With light tongue strokes or with loving pressure through the thumb, you can spoil a man. With many men, however, this area is taboo, because it goes towards the anus. Some are very into it, with others you have to be a little careful. The fact is, however, that the prostate is stimulated and it can even come to ejaculation, if you do it right.

  • The belly

From the belly button to his penis you can slowly work your way, he will love it, I promise. By expecting a blowjob, you can sexually arouse men by caressing and kissing the belly. Take your time and increase his pleasure.

  • The inner thigh

This tactic also works wonderfully from the bottom up. On the inner thighs, men are just as sensitive as women. Kiss, lick and stroke your way slowly towards the member. The foreplay man becomes an absolute pampering program.

  • The nipples

The nipples of men are just as sensitive as those of a woman. Accordingly, you need to be gentle at this point. Some men don't realize how much they enjoy it when you play with their tongue. Other men, however, do not like it when you pay too much attention to the nipples. The rule here is: the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

  • The private parts

You should pay a lot of attention to a man's genital area only in the advanced stage of foreplay. During foreplay for sex, this area should of course be caressed for a particularly long time. Not only the penis itself, but also his testicles long for you. You can play around with them, suck them lightly or lick them. By the way, a blowjob excites a man much more when he is nice and wet. That's how you can spoil men!

  • The after

At this point, the male world is divided. A good foreplay, man and the anus do not belong together with everyone. If he likes it, however, you prepare him through caresses and possible penetration with the fingers or with sex toys, the night of his life. However, it is better to talk about this in detail beforehand, because he has to prepare for it in any case. A colonic irrigation is strongly advised as soon as anal stimulation is planned.

Dominatrix seduces man with blindfolds

Tips for foreplay in men

What else excites men? Besides dirty talk, foreplay and erogenous zones, there are of course other things you can do. A joint sex store shopping tour may give you both hot ideas and make you want more. He is guaranteed to want to quickly try out the sex toys that can be purchased there. Watching porn together could also initiate foreplay. There are no limits to your imagination here. Arouse a man is admittedly usually not particularly difficult. But to have a sexual foreplay and subsequently also good sex, is again not always so easy. If you always plan the same foreplay with him, he may quickly get bored and long for variety. Ergo: Spontaneity also always goes down very well with foreplay for him.

He will never forget this blowjob!

Live out foreplay to the full

It's great fun for you to make men horny and drive them crazy? You have numerous ideas for foreplay and enjoy foreplay with men enormously? With an application to BB Escort you come much closer to living out your hot desires and fantasies. Have you ever asked yourself, "How do I spoil him?", or, "What makes men horny?", then just try it out. After all, after reading our article, you will be wonderfully informed. If you want to make a man horny or simply improve your skills, the job as an escort is definitely perfect for that. You can completely live out and enjoy yourself and your sexuality during foreplay for him. If the man is excited, so of course you also have your fun. To pamper the man during sex is also so nice because it increases your own desire. The lucrative job as an escort is therefore worthwhile in many respects. Although pleasing a man as an escort is not your main task, you can make your passion your profession and quickly build up a regular clientele. Through numerous bookings you will not only enjoy the company of men who are absolutely keen on you, but also a great financial advantage. Apply at BB Escort and discover your advantages in this area.

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Sex addiction

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