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Is sex healthy?

Learn how sex boosts physical and mental health. From stress relief to anti-aging – the benefits of regular sexual intercourse


by Bell Bennett

10 minutes read

Is sex healthy?

Whether sex is healthy or not is really an exciting question. Therefore, we feel it would be better not to keep you in suspense for long and can tell you right away: Oh yes, sex is indeed healthy!

According to this, sex is not only fun, it also keeps us young, fit and healthy moreover. But why is that? Is sex really healthy? How often do people have sex on average, and is sexual intercourse still healthy in old age? How does sex affect body, mind, and soul and does it really help against pain? We'll take a closer look at this and much more below.

Sex and health

There are many good reasons for frequent sex. For example, orgasm prevents certain cancers — in both sexes. For example, men who have regular ejaculations lower their risk of developing prostate cancer. And women reduce the likelihood of being afflicted by breast cancer. In addition, our circulation and metabolism really get going during sex, which improves blood flow in the body and thus our immune system.
And would you have thought that physical love is also good for your spine? That's right, sex is just as good for a healthy back as, say, swimming or spinal gymnastics. The common movement patterns during the act loosen the pelvic floor and make the spine much more flexible. This gives us a supple gait and also makes our posture more upright. Last but not least, the intimate act strengthens the heart. After all, it's just one muscle that naturally works at full speed during bedtime and therefore gets an excellent workout!

Fit in the head: Sex helps the memory

People who like to jump into the sack with their partner often are smarter than those who don't have sex. According to studies, sexually active people achieve a higher level of memory activity than those who hardly ever have sex. Concentration levels have also been shown to increase in sex lovers. Although it has not yet been fully clarified what this is due to, researchers suspect that mattress sports stimulate brain activity and thus show better results in the outcome. But hey, doesn't it really matter how exactly it works? Getting smarter by having sex frequently- you would definitely rather not have suspected that, right? 

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Sex is healthy for the brain

Does sex really help against headaches?

The positive effect on headaches can also actually work in many cases. The University of Münster even dedicated its study to this question a few years ago. About 400 women and men, who suffered more often from different types of headaches, took part in the survey. According to the results, a full 60 percent had significantly fewer headaches after sex or the headache had even disappeared completely. In contrast, 30 percent of the test persons stated that their headaches had even worsened. Of course, it's really hard for people with migraines to indulge in physical love. For migraine patients, even slight movements, light, or noises often intensify the headache to the point of being unbearable. However, if you suffer from headaches only occasionally, you should simply try out whether sex could possibly be your “medicine” against them.

The researchers from Münster have given a whole series of arguments why the pain-relieving effect of sex is not just subjective, but has medically sound reasons. During the sexual act, our body releases a whole range of chemicals, such as dopamine, serotonin, and endorphin. These reduce the sensation of pain and can even completely switch off headaches. However, it is not sex by itself that releases these substances, but orgasm. Reaching climax can actually combat headaches faster and more effectively than painkillers — and it's healthier for the body in any case. The relaxation phase after sex and the fact that you've simply taken your mind off things also help to relieve headaches. Of course, this is true not only for headaches, but also for other mild to moderate ailments such as period pains.

Is sex good for stress?

Can you just “screw away” stress? It has actually been scientifically proven that sex has a lot of positive effects on the psyche. Just like sports activities, sexual intercourse relieves stress and releases larger amounts of the happiness hormone endorphin. Stress levels drop significantly in this context, and we feel completely satisfied. This is why the famous morning sex is so healthy. It not only boosts all our bodily functions, but also relaxes us and puts us in a good mood. We then take the high feeling after the morning orgasm with us into the day, and in fact you can even see that we are doing well. Some couples make sex in the morning a habit, and this has other good reasons. The atmosphere is particularly intimate, you do something good for yourself and your partner, and the start to the working day could hardly be better! Why not give it a try?

Sex against stress

Sex caresses the soul

You know that feeling “afterwards” when you're floating on cloud nine? On the one hand, this is due to the happiness hormones, but above all because we feel loved, desired and sexy. And at this moment, it doesn't matter if you think you're not perfect. Our partner shows us that we are completely lovable — with all our rough edges and supposed flaws. And between us: Who is perfect? Even the rich and beautiful of this world look like you and me without make-up and designer clothes, and also have to fight with self-criticism. However, when it comes to sex, the rule is: head off, feelings on! Then sex can even drive away depressive moods and contribute another piece to our health.

Sleep better thanks to sex

If you also occasionally struggle with sleep problems, we now give you an insider tip: sex! Yes, you read that right because although you initially get your body going at full speed when you do another round of mattress sport in the evening, the body releases the so-called cuddle hormone oxytocin after orgasm. And that makes us exhausted. So, it's no wonder that we can fall asleep and stay asleep especially well after sex in the evening and wake up the next morning beautifully refreshed.

And once more in the morning

Bed instead of beauty salon: Sex makes you beautiful

During the research for this article, we frequently encountered the question of how much sex is healthy or good for women. At first, the common assumption that women need or want less sex than men is perplexing. But this is apparently only true in theory (which is still widespread). Because women, just like their partners, think about sex dozens of times a day, consciously or unconsciously, and also dream about it regularly. Well, ladies, you should definitely not only think about it, but also do “it” more often. In fact, researchers have been able to prove that sexual intercourse has very positive effects on beauty. For example, it tightens the skin and connective tissue, making the entire complexion appear smoother, plumper, and rosier. It also helps against skin impurities to do a number more often. Our hair also benefits from the physical act: it becomes shinier and softer. So, why spend a lot of money at the beauty salon when you can set up your personal beauty salon in your bedroom at home?

Sex keeps us young

That's also true, dear ladies and gentlemen, who regularly copulates pampers his body quasi with an anti-ageing program. Because in addition to training the heart and circulation, our lymphatic system is stimulated during the act. This means that waste products of the body, so-called slags, are transported away faster and do not even have the chance to damage our vessels or skin. Thus, the question, “How much sex is healthy for women?” is almost superfluous. A lot, dear readers. Because it has been proven that cellulite- which is hated by many- as well as wrinkles- are significantly mitigated or appear less quickly through regular sexual intercourse.

Is sex good for the figure?

An absolute pro-argument for you, dear ladies, is also this point: Sex makes you slim!

If you like to rumple the sheets extensively with your partner, the physical effort is actually comparable to endurance sports. This in turn explains the rather high calorie consumption during sex and orgasm. After all, physical love involves the use of many muscles, which require quite a bit of energy. If you have sex regularly, you can even lose weight or stay slim without any problems.

Sex in old age - how much is too much?

Even if you are already older, this is not in the least a reason to give up sex. On the contrary, as long as you are reasonably fit, sex is still healthy even at an advanced age. However, you should not overdo it — regardless of age — because too much sex has similar effects to too much sport: if you have sex for several hours a day, you will overstrain your body and will have to struggle with muscle pain and exhaustion. If you manage to have sex so often or extensively that it hurts, you should give yourself and your body a break for a day or two. Apart from that, there is actually no regulation for the frequency in which the act of love should take place. The question of how much sex is healthy cannot be answered in a general way. We would say as often as you both feel like it and notice that it is good for you.

Is sex healthy in old age

Frequent sex is healthy for the relationship

We all know exactly what it's like to be freshly in love. Remember? I'm sure you could hardly keep your hands off your new partner, either. Just looking into each other's eyes, you could really feel the sexual tension in the air. Of course, it is not so easy to maintain this strong desire over a very long period of time or even permanently. However, various studies have shown that couples who still sleep together very regularly even after years usually have a very healthy relationship. As always, the right dose is the one that brings you both pleasure.

Boredom in bed? With our tips the boredom is over

Would you have thought that sex keeps us so healthy and beautiful?

No? — Admittedly, neither did we. That the most beautiful secondary matter in the world has been proven to make us younger, smarter and fitter is great news. So, sex can be a painkiller, replace back training, and relieve us of stress. What's more, couples who make love regularly generally have healthy relationships, increase each other's well-being and strengthen their sense of “us”.

Sex keeps you fit and is healthy for young and old, as well as for women and men alike. On top of that, sex brightens up gloomy thoughts, makes us feel sexy and wanted, and actually makes us more attractive. So if you ever ask yourself again how much sex is actually healthy, you now have certainty: There is virtually no such thing as “too much”. At least not as long as you show consideration for your partner's needs — and vice versa, of course. So, what's stopping you? Get started with the self-care program.

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