XXL Challenge: Living and Loving with a Large Penis
Discover the realities and myths about large penises – from social challenges to tips for satisfying sex
by Bell Bennett
10 minutes read

At first glance, men with large penises also seem to be the most potent. In any case, many of them like to claim that and really boast about their big penis. You are probably also familiar with the never-ending discussions about sex with a large penis, condoms for thick penises or, more generally, life with a large member. The size of a man's penis is apparently one of the most important topics of all, at least when the world's men are among themselves.
Comparisons are made as early as childhood to find out which weenie in the circle of friends is the longest. But how important is it really to have an XXL penis? At what size is a man's best piece a very large penis? Is good sex dependent on the thickness of the penis or is a long penis a basic requirement for erotic pleasure? What are the experiences with large penises in general and is it possible to give head to a large penis? We looked for answers around the question "What is sex with a big penis like?" and got them. Here you can find out what men experience with a large penis and how a larger penis is received by women.
no matter what size you have our ladies are ready
When is a penis very big?
First, let's clarify at what length a cock can claim the title "big penis"! The well-known 20 cm only applies to really big penises and is a huge exception in Central Europe - literally. On average, the penis is about 13-15 cm long during an erection. If yours is longer than that, you can present it to the ladies with a proud "Et voilà - my big penis". However, it is not automatically small if it is less than 13 cm because it also depends on your stature, i.e. how big or small the penis appears. There are also significant differences when it comes to thickness, i.e., the circumference of the member. According to an Austrian study, most men have a circumference of about 11.5 cm at the bottom - at least when standing. When not erect, it is about 9.3 cm. Twelve centimetres or more in circumference therefore indicate a thick penis. However, gentlemen, neither particularly wide nor very large penises are a guarantee for fulfilling acrobatics in bed.
Several women told us that their partner's empathy, extensive foreplay and refined sex positions are much more important to them than an XXL boner. This can even lead to certain difficulties during the act of love. Before we go into the best positions for big penis sex, let's take care of the important topic of contraception, shall we?
There's no such thing! - Or is there?
In between, a huge anecdote for you: Do you have an extraordinarily long dick yourself? We did some research and found out who really has the longest. Hold on tight: 52-year-old Mexican Roberto Esquivel Cabrera holds the involuntary title of the longest penis in the world. Medical experts officially confirmed in 2015 that his best piece is real and is indeed 48 cm long. Yes, you read that right - almost half a metre hangs down Roberto's thing and thus ends below his knee. He is understandably not at all happy about his enormous member because he has no girlfriend and no other sex. The ladies are downright afraid of his monster penis, as he says himself. Mr. Cabrera can't even do a normal job because of his uncomfortable member and is therefore trying to get it recognised as a disability. Understandable, we would think!
How do I find the right condom?
There is certainly no such thing as a 48 cm condom. But there's no question about it - a condom must always fit well, regardless of the size of the penis, in order to fulfil its purpose. A condom that is too big slips quickly in the heat of the moment and can no longer reliably catch the ejaculation. If, on the other hand, the rubber is too tight, it can hinder the blood flow to the member or burst. You certainly want to avoid both, so let's briefly look at how to determine the right condom size.
Hot to increase your potency naturally
Both the circumference and the length of the contraceptive must be right for men or their penises to feel comfortable in it. If the condom is too long, there is usually no problem because the excess material remains rolled up on the shaft of the penis. However, for rather thick cocks, this condom rim can constrict and reduce blood flow, which in turn could lead to a loss of erection. It also doesn't feel good and you should avoid condoms that are too tight or significantly too long. Condoms for wide penises are available from almost all the usual suppliers. If the condom is too short, it will not reach the base of the penis when completely unrolled. In this case, you have to switch to a longer version for optimal protection.
To find the perfect rubber, first determine the circumference and length of your erect penis. Then decide whether you value extra wetness - that is, condoms with added lubricant - and how thin or thick they should be. With this preparation, you can determine your perfect condom in no time. You can quickly find out whether the rubber fits perfectly: it should be possible to unroll it on the stiff member without much effort and it should fit like a second skin. Then it doesn't interfere with either man or woman's sexual pleasure and does what it is supposed to do, namely protect against pregnancy or disease. Please forget the prejudice that the combination of condom and large penis is a problem. All well-known manufacturers have long since adapted to this and offer an interesting range of oversize rubbers in large sizes.
What do the ladies have to say about this?
A large proportion of men are convinced: women like big dicks. Of course, this is a generalisation, but we have to pull this tooth out of your mouth, even if the porn industry, for example, would have us believe otherwise. A normally thick and long penis is most women's favourite. Of course, there are - as always - exceptions and some girls prefer big spanks. It just always depends on how its wearer can handle it, if you know what I mean… That means: empathy is called for when you call a special gem your own. If you fuck recklessly with your big penis, you're unlikely to go down well with the ladies. However, men with huge penises often have an advantage in one particular respect: Reaching a woman's G-spot is a cinch and usually doesn't even require a certain sex position.
My penis is too big
While on the whole people like to brag about being well-endowed, there are also men who are less happy with their larger than average penis. Sex with a large penis can actually be just as uncomfortable for its wearer as a member that is too small. More precisely, a below-average penis leads to inferiority complexes in some men. They think that the size of the genital is not enough to satisfy a woman. Conversely, a giant penis can also be seen as a burden by its wearer. For one thing, a penis that is too big is difficult to conceal; it is easily visible even in loose clothing. This is extremely embarrassing for some men. In addition, contrary to popular belief, women tend to have reservations if their partner has an XXL wiener. The vagina is stretchy, but a thick member can cause pain during penetration. A very long penis will hit the cervix with more forceful thrusts, which is also painful. So you need to be more gentle during sex than men with a normal-sized member if you are particularly well-built down there.
Long penis sex - how it works best
One thing you should definitely remember: Sex with a big thing takes some preparation and one thing in particular, plenty of moisture. Even if your sex partner is very aroused, she won't necessarily get wet enough to adequately wet your extra centimetres. But it should flow nicely, because that is the basic prerequisite for sensual pleasure, especially with XXL latte! Depending on how tight the lady is in the intimate area, you should also incorporate some stretching into your foreplay. You don't always have to stick it in - what are tongues and hands for? In a longer partnership, it can also make sense for the woman to train her vagina and its receptivity with dildos or vibrators.
As a man, always penetrate slowly and carefully at the beginning of the actual act and work your way forward centimetre by centimetre. This is not only more pleasant for your sex partner, it also increases your own arousal. However, some positions are less suitable than others. The doggy style, for example, or deep penetration in the missionary position. This is because your member gets so close to the cervix that it bumps against it - often a torture for the woman. Some women also categorically reject anal sex with heavily hung men, which is quite understandable. Even though the sphincter muscle is flexible, penetration with a wide or overlong penis often causes pain and can lead to injuries.
Giving head to a big penis, or not?
We don't see what's wrong with it. After all, it doesn't have to be taken completely into the mouth. Even during a blowjob on an average penis, the partner works mainly on the upper third of the penis shaft and the glans. Nevertheless, your partner might not be able to swallow it. Since lubricants don't necessarily taste that great, we recommend polishing up the beauty with delicious coconut oil before putting it in your mouth. Of course, it can still be a bit more strenuous for the mouth muscles, which is why you might want to use your tongue more or your hand for support.
Who can best cope with a big thing?
We are happy to help you with this question: Our escort ladies specialise in a wide variety of sizes of gentlemen and have a lot of experience in quite a few repertoires! Our escort ladies can also handle a large manhood very well and give you unimagined pleasure. Some girls are really hoping that they will be allowed to spoil a particularly big cock again and will certainly come up with something refined for you. All you have to do is ask...
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