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Yes, there are things you should never do on a date!

Yes, they do exist, the absolute no-gos on your escort date. Here you can find out what is important, what you should pay attention to and avoid at all costs!


by Bell Bennett

5 minutes read

Yes, there are things you should never do on a date!

How do I actually behave on a date? Are there things I should not say or do? These or similar questions are asked by almost every newcomer to the escort business, so we are happy to address the topic. After all, escort dates should relax the client and leave him with a positive feeling. To guarantee this, there are some things you should avoid. We have summarized these for you. 

Here you can work as an escort

Punctuality is an adornment

As hackneyed as this age-old saying may sound, punctuality is a basic requirement for escort ladies! On one hand, it is simply impolite to keep a paying client waiting. On the other hand, many gentlemen do not understand when ladies show up late for an appointment booked days in advance. In the worst case, clients cancel such dates, which is very annoying for both the escort lady and the agency. Not to mention the losses incurred. You should always plan your dates meticulously, especially the journey to the meeting point. Just check the journey time with the route planner and add a time buffer of about 15-30 minutes. After all, you never know exactly what the traffic flow will be like or whether there will be a spontaneous roadwork to avoid.

How the escort lady travels to her date

Alone to the date

At first glance, it may seem quite practical to have your best friend or nice neighbour take you to the meeting and wait for you. In practice, however, this usually turns out to be very unfavourable. Because you put yourself under unnecessary pressure in two ways: You are mentally with your friend who is now sitting in the car in the cold or heat, killing time until you are ready. And you have time on your hands, which is why your meeting with the client is unlikely to be informal, relaxed, and harmonious. Let's not even talk about other situations that could be extremely unpleasant. Just this: Even if your sweetheart knows about your job and is completely in agreement with it, you should spare both of you the fact that he takes you to the meeting point or picks you up there. Discretion is a top priority in this business, and every client will gladly do without a relationship drama at the end of a nice meeting.

Do not bring pets on a date - this is a no-go on an escort date

Four-legged friends must stay at home

Sure, we love dogs too – just not on a sex date! No matter how small, well-behaved and inconspicuous your four-legged friend may be, he definitely can't come along to meetings with clients! Many gentlemen would certainly find this extremely inappropriate, have allergies or even phobias. Therefore, dogs and pets in general are an absolute no-go in escort services. If you have a dog and would like to work full-time as an escort, you should therefore definitely consider where your furry nose is in good hands during your dates. This is especially true for overnight dates or longer bookings such as weekend trips or short holidays! 

No Smoking, please

Whether an escort lady smokes cigarettes or not is by and large her own decision. However, there are quite a few clients who are non-smokers and dislike the smell of cigarette smoke at all. For regular customers, this is usually noted on the customer card, just as habits in this regard are noted on the ladies' sedcards. If you are a smoker and have a date with such a gentleman, you should absolutely refrain from smoking during your time together. If you go out for a quick puff, make sure that you have mouthwash and perfume at hand. 

Cheers to the clear head

Many escort dates begin with a glass of wine or bubbly after the greeting. This loosens the mood and for many is simply part of a nice evening. There is nothing wrong with one or two drinks, but afterwards you should switch to non-alcoholic drinks. A clear head will help you to end the date harmoniously and satisfactorily for both parties. If you are travelling in your own car, it is of course especially important to stay roadworthy.

Privacy first

Imagine you go to the hairdresser and the stylist is talking non-stop about other clients. Or even worse: she asks you about your private life. Not cool, we think – and most escort clients feel the same way. This means that private details such as a client's relationship status are taboo and should never be brought up by the escort lady. If the gentleman tells you something about his family, you can go into it briefly. Gossip about other clients of the agency is also an absolute no-go. If you have a problem or even a complaint about a client's behaviour, the agency is your contact person, but under no circumstances other clients. We remember: Discretion is the magic word, and it is very important for successful escort agencies and their ladies. 

Now you know!

There are certainly a few other things you'd rather avoid during an escort date. The big fight with your parents, the lengthy athlete's foot treatment or the annoying neighbour are among them, for example. It is better not to bring up these topics during a romantic escort meeting. After all, you want to give the client the illusion of a perfect romantic evening. Giving him the feeling that he is sitting in a self-help group to cope with everyday problems is more likely to convey the opposite impression. Just think of it as a real date - then you'll usually avoid the classic mistakes all by yourself.

Are you now curious and know exactly what not to do on an escort date? Then apply today at BB Escort and you can start working in just a few days and enjoy a wonderful date.

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