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Soft tampons: The escort secret for your period

What does an escort lady actually do when she has her period? The answer is a soft tampon. This is how the sponge helps.


by Bell Bennett

6 minutes read

Soft tampons: The escort secret for your period

What does an escort lady actually do when she has her period? A very good question! After all, (almost) all women have to deal with this issue once a month. But there is a little aid to be able to have sex despite the bleeding. A soft tampon is safe, discreet and imperceptible to the man. That's why no handbag should be without one. We'll tell you the best tips for not having to take a break as an escort despite your period.

What is a soft tampon?

Imagine you have received an interesting enquiry for an escort date. The gentleman sounds great and you're looking forward to an enchanting evening. In the morning, you suddenly wake up to a bloodbath because you got your period overnight. Annoying! Even women with a regular cycle are sometimes caught cold. Is that why you have to cancel the date? Or will the client send you home?

**Of course not! **

Sex during your period is not everyone's cup of tea. But if you fancy an erotic encounter, there's no reason to turn it down. Because with a soft tampon, you can have sex as normal despite bleeding. The small sponge is inserted into the vagina like a tampon or menstrual cup and absorbs the blood completely. It is much softer and more flexible than other sanitary products. It feels more like a soft beauty blender than a tampon - you hardly feel it at all when you wear it. You can buy soft tampons in most drugstores, pharmacies or online. As well as being used during sex, they are also practical for sports or swimming. A few years ago, as escorts, we had to get creative to sit out our periods. Nowadays, the practical sponges are available in many shapes and colours. They are very safe and contain no harmful substances. So you can wear them during your date without hesitation. A sex tampon lasts about three to six hours before you need to change it.

Close-up of a soft tampon

Soft tampons during sex: how to use the sponge correctly

When we broach this subject as an escort agency with inexperienced ladies, we hear a lot of questions. The most common concern is that the client will notice the soft tampon. We can reassure you: Since as an escort lady you only have sex with a condom anyway, the man won't feel it. He might notice it when you're fingering him - but he's usually so excited and distracted that he doesn't notice the ‘foreign object’.

Picture of a Soft-Tampons packaging

The question of hygiene is just as important. Period blood is not dirty or impure, but a completely normal bodily fluid. Since the man is using a condom anyway, you don't have to worry about contracting sexually transmitted diseases. If you've been wearing your soft tampon for several hours, it's a good idea to change it before sex. You don't want it to slip or fill up during sex before things get really serious. However, make sure you don't dispose of the tampon at the customer's home, but take it with you wrapped in toilet paper! If you don't have a replacement with you, you can rinse the tampon under running water if necessary and then reinsert it. Then just wash your hands, clean off any blood splashes and you're ready to go! The sponge sits far back in the vagina and has a small loop on or in the material instead of a return strap. It can be tricky to fish it out after sex - but it's not impossible.

Don't panic if it doesn't work straight away! Lie relaxed on your back (possibly with a pillow under your buttocks), insert two fingers and push the soft tampon out a little. This is also a good workout for your pelvic floor muscles. If this doesn't work, you can try the same technique on the toilet.

Escort dates during your period: our practical tips

  • You know your body best! If you're out of action for two or three days during your period, you shouldn't force yourself to go on dates. You can use a period app to track your cycle and estimate when you shouldn't accept escort dates.
  • If you're in pain, a warm bath before the date will help. You should also have some ibuprofen in your handbag. The painkillers have an antispasmodic and analgesic effect. If you are on medication, you should avoid alcohol on the date (this is generally a good idea).
  • Don't forget the soft tampon! Just like a conventional tampon, it can be dangerous to leave the foreign object in the vagina for too long. Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is a rare but life-threatening infection that can occur in this way. It also smells very unpleasant. You should change the sponge after six to eight hours at the latest.
  • Take care of your vagina! You probably have a whole arsenal of care products for your face, hands and body. But what about your intimate area? The vulva and vagina cleanse themselves. You can support your body with Döderlein capsules or a good lactic acid treatment.

Good days despite your "days"

As an escort, you don't have to take a ‘holiday’ just because it's Strawberry Week. If you feel like it, there's nothing to stop you from continuing to go on dates. You're definitely not alone: almost all the escorts we know don't let their periods get them down.

Sex during your period can feel great and relieve cramps. Many women find orgasms during their period particularly intense. If you feel this way, then get yourself a box of soft tampons and look forward to your next date! And if you don't want to have sex as an escort during this time, there are other options for you.

If you don't yet have a job that combines eroticism, joie de vivre and financial success, then you've come to the right place as an escort lady. We look forward to getting to know you as an applicant at our escort agency!

Picture illustrates how a soft tampon works

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