Why you pay travelling expenses to the escort lady
Travel expenses are incurred outside the hometown of an escort lady. We explain the cost allocation and the significance of the minimum booking.
by Bell Bennett
6 minutes read

You are interested in booking an escort lady at BB Escort and are now wondering what the minimum booking duration and the travel expenses of the escort lady are. Basically, all call girls at BB Escort have a minimum booking duration of 2 hours. If you meet the escort ladies outside of their place of residence, the ladies also charge travel or journey costs. You can find out how the minimum booking duration and the travel expenses of the escort lady arise in the following sections.
Travel expenses? Driving costs? What is the difference?
Basically, there is none. In the agency, both are used as synonyms. In our FAQ as well as in the sedcard of the escort ladies you will find the term travel expenses. In some magazine texts you will come across travel expenses. Since travel expenses sounds one-sided and the escort ladies do not only drive to their dates but also fly, travel expenses is the more appropriate word for it.
But what are the travel expenses of an escort lady for?
Travel expenses are always incurred if you would like to meet an escort lady outside her place of residence. The cities to which the escort ladies are most frequently booked can be found as a flat rate for travel expenses in the escort lady's sedcard under the fee. If your city is not listed, you can always contact the colleagues of the agency and ask them for a calculation of the travel costs to the city of your choice. The colleagues will then calculate the travel expenses according to the escort ladies' flat rate per kilometre. Of course, the travel costs are calculated so that the lady does not incur any additional costs by travelling to your date. You pay the travel costs of the escort lady in addition to the lady's fee at the beginning of the date.
Additional costs incurred when travelling
If you book a Munich escort lady to Berlin, she naturally has the option of travelling several ways, such as by train, plane or her own car. If the lady insists on driving the 600 km between Munich and Berlin in her own car, the travel costs would be around 480 €.
Of course, this is not an option and the maximum rate for travel expenses applies. This is 350 € for the journey with your own car. If your escort travels by plane or train, only the ticket price will be charged and from 400 km onwards an additional 100,- € expenses will be charged.
What are the expenses for?
If an escort lady travels over 400 km by plane or train to her date, then the expenses are on the one hand for the catering on the journey. This means that the escort ladies do not incur additional costs for mostly overpriced board food and drinks. In addition, it is often logistically impossible for the escort lady to fly home by train or plane directly after her date. And also after a long, usually stressful journey and your erotic date, with a corresponding minimum booking duration, the escort lady needs the opportunity to relax, take a hotel room and then fly home the next day. So an escort lady travelling 400 km or more by train, bus or plane uses the 100,- € expenses for catering and to take a hotel room for one night in order to start the way home rested or to rest in the hotel after the journey in order to be fit and well-rested for their time together the next morning and then travels home after the date.
What is minimum booking duration?
As already mentioned, the minimum booking duration for ALL escort ladies is at least 2 hours. The further away you would like to book a lady from her place of residence, the higher the minimum booking duration will be. The minimum booking duration is made up of the time of arrival and departure of the escort ladies. Thus, the date should never be shorter than the lady needs for the arrival and departure to the agreed meeting place. Here, we individually take into account the mobility of the lady. A lady who needs approx. 1.5 hours to travel 150 km by car has a minimum booking time of 3 hours. If the lady is only travelling by public transport and has to change trains several times due to the route network, with waiting times and a longer journey, the minimum booking duration will be adjusted by the colleagues of the agency. In the sedcard of the escort lady under fee you will find the minimum booking duration of the most booked cities. If your desired meeting point is not included, please contact the colleagues of the agency.
Travel expenses too high, minimum duration of booking too long?
We can recommend that if you want to save the travel expenses of the escort lady or if these are too high for you, to look for a lady who lives closer to your desired meeting point. Our colleagues at the agency will be happy to advise you and help you find the right lady for your needs and wishes. The same applies to the minimum booking duration. If the ladies have a journey of 5 hours and a date of 2 hours it is disproportionate. Of course, our colleagues are also available to help you find a lady who has a shorter minimum booking time to your meeting place. However, one thing must be said quite clearly:
Fees, minimum booking duration and travel expenses are not negotiable. Neither during the booking of the lady with the escort agency, or during your date with the escort lady!
If you have any further questions about the travel expenses and the minimum booking duration, do not hesitate to contact the colleagues at the agency. They will help you with all matters concerning your booking and provide customer-oriented customer service so that your date with the escort lady will be an unforgettable experience!
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