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Sex dream interpretation for women and men

Do sex dreams really have a meaning or is it just the neurological processing of experiences or repressed desires?


by Bell Bennett

12 minutes read

Sex dream interpretation for women and men

Have you ever had a sex dream in which things got really hot? Maybe your erotic dream had to do with your best friend or your father or mother? Or you dreamed about a threesome, sex with a stranger or lesbian sex? No need to be ashamed or even worried about it- sex dreams are completely normal and almost all people have occasional or regular sexy dreams. However, we often wonder for days afterwards what our sex dream is all about - what is the meaning behind the sex in the dream? The dream interpretation of sexual intercourse in sleep is not yet very well researched. However, finding out the meaning of sexual dreams often burns under our nails for days - that's how permanently the dream of sex has burned itself into our memory. Do you also want to know why you experienced these intense thoughts during sleep of all times and why you remember them so vividly? We have researched some clues and scientific explanations on the subject and compiled them for you. In addition, we have found out the five most common sex dreams of women and men and have taken a closer look at some explanations for the interpretation of sexy dreams. Let's unravel the mystery together - here we go!

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The five most common sex dreams

Sex dreams of your own partner in sexy lingerie

1. Sex with your partner

According to experts, we usually have sex with our steady partner in our dreams when he or she is not really with us at the moment. In other words, we dream about the intimacy we would experience if our sweetheart were actually there. Such dreams are naturally particularly frequent in couples who live spatially separated, for example through a long-distance relationship. Furthermore, both partners often regularly experience erotic dreams about each other when the partner is constantly travelling on business. In relatively new relationships, sexual dreams about the beloved or the beloved are also quite frequent. Here our subconscious imagines all the things that can happen in bed in the future - a preview, so to speak, of the ecstatic experiences we will have together. If you're not the shy type, it's a great idea to tell your partner about your nocturnal escapades.

 He'll be flattered that you're dreaming about him and that it's about the most beautiful thing in the world. In addition, you may give your girlfriend or husband a sexy idea that has not even occurred to him or her yet! In this way, you will definitely heat up their love life (even more) and bring a breath of fresh air to the sheets at home.

2. sex with mother, father or other family members.

Admittedly, a dream in which you had sex with a close relative is very frightening at first! But if you have already had a dream that you ended up in bed with your cousin, brother, sister or aunt, there is no reason to panic! In the vast majority of cases, such dreams do not mean that you really want to be intimate with a family member. Rather, it shows that you basically have quite a close bond with these people. However, the meaning behind it can also express the wish to get closer to this person interpersonally (again). Was there perhaps a dispute? Or a recent spatial separation that is bothering you? These are at least common triggers for dreams that are all about eroticism with members of your own family. If you have dream sex with your father or mother, there is usually a symbolism behind it: with our parents we often have the closest bond of all. In addition, we often associate these attachment figures with THESE ideals of masculinity or femininity. So when we imagine sex with a parent, we are actually looking for a (sex) partner who has similar or identical attributes to our father or mother. And this is perfectly normal and legitimate.

3. Having sex with the same sex

The dream interpretation of lesbian or homophile sex is not as complex as sex dreams with family members. This is because women who dream of sex with a woman are almost always inspired by curiosity or longing. The idea of being pampered by a woman often testifies to a desire for more attention and tenderness in bed. In fact, according to psychologists, the dream of lesbian sex is quite understandable. While only about a quarter of all women climax during heterosexual intercourse, about 70 % do so in lesbian relationships. So women obviously know much more precisely what women want - at least during sex!

sex dreams with the same gender, two kissing women

The female subconscious then processes this knowledge in her sleep into sexy dreams of making love to a woman, even if we would completely rule this out in reality. This is why dreams of sex with the best friend are relatively widespread, because after all, she knows us better than almost any other person. Men who have homoerotic dreams, on the other hand, are often very self-critical and question their own masculinity. If you have already dreamed of sex with another man, you may desire that man's qualities. Perhaps you would like to have his strength, his self-confidence or his body. Of course, recurring homosexual or lesbian erotic dreams can also be the clue to your actual inclination. Perhaps you are bisexual or feel more attracted to your own sex than to heterosexual experiences. Or you simply have a desire for someone who knows exactly what gives pleasure.

4. Sex with strangers

Now it gets exciting, because when you dream about sex with a stranger(s), it's almost always about adventurousness. The idea of being seduced by complete strangers all of a sudden is really very exciting. In addition, there is the uncertainty of where you will be nibbled and how the sex might go: Head cinema at its best, so to speak! However, sex with strangers can have completely different causes and is therefore not quite easy to interpret. Possibly you were inspired by a book, a movie or even a song to your dream. Or maybe you just need to let off some steam and let off steam - mysterious sex would be just right, wouldn't it? Sometimes, though, sex with a stranger tells us that our own sex life has become a little boring. In that case, we usually really crave some fresh zest in our feathers at home. Your instincts may also want to tell you something. Possibly that you should dare to do something more often or simply take what you want. Intuitively, many people tend to be passive, reserved or conformist. If your mind wants to break out of this system at least occasionally, it may show you with erotic dreams of sex with hot strangers.

Erotic sex dream, sex for three, mostly one man with two women

5. Threesome sex

Do you occasionally dream of the proverbial "threesome" and wonder what it means? Well, according to psychologists, there are several possible reasons for this. If you sometimes have sex in threesomes in your real love life, your dream should be understood as a confirmation. This means that you really like this variation and it is good for you to live it out. If, on the other hand, you have not had any experience with a threesome, such a dream can be very confusing at first. Especially since there is often no desire to turn this fantasy into reality. In that case, dreaming about making love with two men or women is an indication that you long for more variety in bed. 

Perhaps your love life has become a little too routine over the years and you secretly desire new experiences of an erotic kind. Or you may not be sexually occupied and would actually like to try something different. This does not necessarily have to be a threesome - your fantasy merely provides you with one suggestion of many. If your dreams of three-way sex occur more often, you are probably very preoccupied with your intimate life. It is possible that you are subconsciously exploring which types of play might suit you. Such a dream could also be an indication that you are interested in an erotic exchange with your own sex. If the third person in your mind is someone you know, you probably want to intensify your relationship with this person.

Are sex dreams normal?

We can reassure you, because dreaming about sex is just as normal as sex itself. Dream sex is even healthy, because it reduces tension and stimulates the imagination. While we sleep, our brain is by no means disconnected from our real life. Rather, it processes what we experience every day. And sometimes it incorporates what we experience into hot dreams. We also tend to compare ourselves with other people everywhere and at all times. This also has an effect on our mental sex life. Even the temperature in the bedroom, the material of the bed linen or the warmth of the partner next to us influence our dream sleep. Do you sleep on your stomach? Then you probably have even more sex dreams than back sleepers. This is because both the sleeping position itself and the pressure on the genital area stimulate the sex fantasy. 

Man dreaming an erotic sex dream

Moreover, it is much easier to shed inhibitions in dreams and simply let morals be morals. Psychologists estimate that we all spend a good 60 hours a year dreaming about the most beautiful secondary matter in the world. According to Canadian scientists, around eight per cent of our dreams revolve around sex - with an average of 2.5 hours of dream material per night, that's twelve minutes a day. However, we do not remember the vast majority of dreams. Whether that's a pity or whether it's often better that way, we'll leave up for debate. Some sex therapists and psychologists even encourage us to have more sex dreams. You can actually train yourself to do this by already imagining erotic situations during the day and playing them out in your mind. As a result, after a few days or weeks, you will also have more frequent dream sex at night. Oh là là!

happy couple living out sex dreams

Does a sex dream mean dissatisfaction in the partnership?

The dream symbol sex in no way means that something is wrong in your relationship. No matter with whom or in what place, it is rather an indication that you are easily aroused. And not just by your honey or your sweetheart. This is a very good thing, by the way, and really shouldn't make you feel bad. Especially men, strictly speaking, even have sex dreams with your own wife quite rarely, because sexy hanky-panky with the beloved, after all, you can have in the waking state. But women also like to go on an erotic excursion in the dream sleep phase and let themselves be seduced by the boss, the attractive package delivery man or a Hollywood star. 

After all, the ladies feel equally attracted by attractiveness or find certain types arousing. This fires the imagination and in the end is usually even good for the relationship. After all, if you have sex with strangers, a colleague or a neighbor every now and then in your dreams, the nocturnal thought excursions will probably also change your real sex life. So if you feel like it, feel free to tell your sweetheart or girlfriend about your sexy dreams. Some couples find it highly erotic to tell each other about their mental escapades and even incorporate the sexy stories into their foreplay. Of course, your dreams are also your privacy and if you want to keep them to yourself, that's perfectly fine. As long as you don't keep dreaming about sex with a very specific person and possibly have to think about them during the day, dream sex is not a threat to your relationship. It is also not an indicator that you are dissatisfied in your partnership or with your sex life.

However, you should always keep one important tip in mind: Be careful when realizing certain sex dreams, even if you are not currently in a partnership! Sex with close relatives, for example, is punishable by law. Dream sex with a stranger or your best friend is also one of those things - in reality, it can backfire big time. In the end, the friendship is possibly destroyed or the meeting with a stranger becomes a danger. Therefore, indulge in sex dreams as much as you like - but live out only those that give you and all other parties pleasure. Then you will be on the safe side and you will be able to enjoy your nocturnal fantasies to the fullest. Dream beautiful and especially sexy!

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