Meditative masturbation - What is it about?
Meditative Masturbation: Enhance your well-being through mindful self-love by forging a deeper connection with your body - conscious, sensual, fulfilling
by Bell Bennett
12 minutes read

Meditation - a symbol of the yearning of our time. Simply enjoy the peace and quiet. Arrive in the here and now. Let thoughts come and go. Observing your own breath without pressure and enjoying the peace and quiet that spreads warmly inside you.
But "meditative masturbation" - that doesn't seem to fit together like that. After all, you expect a little more action from your body while you're pleasuring yourself.
A solid firework and if not that, then at least an orgasm as fast as possible! But is that really the point? Are we really worth so little to ourselves? How can we expect our partners to take as much time as possible for our bodies if we don't even appreciate them enough ourselves?
This is exactly where meditative masturbation comes in. It's about not blindly chasing the next orgasm, but instead consciously focusing on your own body and its needs.
Meditation as a relaxation technique
The term "meditation" generally stands for mindful contemplation. Through conscious pausing and clearly defined exercises, practitioners achieve a clear mind. The goal is a life in the moment, which can be met awake and non-judgmental.
The way there can be different. According to the personal disposition, movement sequences, creative techniques, sounds or simple sitting meditations lead to the necessary immersion. Breathing plays a central role in all exercises. In parallel, breathing meditations are practiced as independent exercises.
Where does the practice of meditation come from?
The principle is known from traditional chinese medicine. In fact, all cultures know similar practices of healing immersion. We observe meditative processes worldwide, embedded in rituals and traditions. They are part of gatherings and blessings.
Western medicine is relatively painless when it comes to shortening relaxation techniques to the essentials, which is why we are offered the sinking process in our part of the world detached from more extensive rituals or applications.
Goals of meditative processes
The positive effects on the brain, nervous system, and well-being eventually present themselves in this more sporadic way as well. But we overlook the potentials of meditative states for our life as a whole.
If we experience meditation embedded in yoga practices, for example, we can use it to expand mental and physical potentials.
This is how we finally arrive at Yoni Yoga - the starting point of meditative masturbation, if you will.
Yoni yoga, the root of meditative masturbation
The "Yoni" describes the physical and symbolic femininity. Yoni yoga practices aim to connect with this primal inner entity.
The conscious exercises serve to strengthen the pelvic floor and awareness of one's own body. The women are guided to consciously feel their inner and outer pleasure centers, to mentally and physically feel the body and to give themselves space.
Self-touching in the sexual sense is not necessarily part of the applications. Rather, it is about feeling one's own feminine energies.
This kind of acceptance and openness leads to a sensual body experience, a new freedom towards touch and sensations.
What you should know about the vagina
What is a yoni massage?
The concept leads further to the application of practical yoni massages. The term in this context stands for the external female genitals. Note: it is still not about sex or orgasm pressure.
Yoni massages can be learned by yourself, but are first a service that is offered professionally. (The counterpart for men is the ligam massage. The hand movements are also easy to learn and very effective as foreplay on any hot date).
How can you imagine a yoni massage?
The massage treatment involves the entire body in the process. Differentiated hand movements are used, which strengthen self-awareness and enable holistic relaxation.
A central point of reference is the stretching and mobilization of the tissue of the sexual organs. It is amazing how little we pay attention to activating these permanently constricted parts of the body. For the back, shoulders and extremities, we consider such practices completely obvious.
The applications support awareness and circulation of the sexual organs. Painful tensions can be released, so that one's own body becomes accessible for further interventions.
What is the result of a yoni massage?
Women who are able to engage with the masseuses' attentions experience the sessions as extremely liberating. They benefit from increased pleasure in sex and an increased ability to orgasm.
As a result, they are more open with themselves and can also react more sensitively to the needs of their partners.
The idea of meditative masturbation is only the next logical step in this context.
Live mindful masturbation
In professional circles, meditative masturbation is referred to as "Mindful Masturbation". This makes it clear what it's all about: self-love is to be experienced as mindfully as possible. Similar to the idea of yoni massage, we approach our body bit by bit without expecting anything from ourselves. An orgasm does not have to happen immediately, nor does it have to turn into an endless explosion.
Much more, the interest lies in the intermediate tones. The large and small pleasurable sensations that are awakened in us by different touches.
Your own body is explored in a comfortable atmosphere. You take time to feel
- which touches soothe you
- which ones create a pleasant shiver
- and which ones even give you tingling goose bumps.
At the same time, you have the chance to question barriers:
- Why are certain touches unpleasant for you?
- Which sensations make you lose your desire?
- Which memories do you associate with certain physical sensations?
- Why is a certain action unpleasant for you?
Take time to reflect. Even crying is allowed and right. This is how barriers break down tenderly and memories can be reflected.
After an escort date you can use meditation for reflection
At this point it becomes clear how valuable this time spent with yourself can be for you as an escort. If you are at peace with yourself, experience yourself free and conscious, you can completely relax in contact with your customers.
- You do not stumble over subconscious fears and aversions.
- The increased sensitivity allows you to feel pleasure and orgasms stronger.
This is a plus for your customers, because you always carry your feelings a little bit to the outside. If you have frequently sex with changing partners, you run the risk of being confronted with preferences that repel or frighten you. Mindful masturbation gives you the space to process these sensations, to explore why a touch suddenly made you uncomfortable or where certain fears come from.
In the long run, you'll prevent negative sensations from settling in and causing you to struggle with them again and again.
Meditative masturbation...
- helps you to better understand your body and its possibilities
- reach orgasm more regularly
- experience orgasms more intense- learn to express and reflect pleasure
- experience yourself
- be able to differentiate touch- learn to appreciate your body
How can you go about meditative masturbation?
What's allowed is whatever is fun for you. Mainly, it's about taking your time and breaking from your routine. Correctly understood: You purposefully don't just do what makes you come right away.
- At first, caress and touch yourself slowly and tenderly. Imagine that you want to seduce someone else with your hands.
- Find an undisturbed place for this. You should be allowed to be in the here and now without distractions. Nevertheless, choose different places whose effect you consciously notice.
- If you like, play meditative music in the background.
- Aromatic oils and massage lotion help you get started. As you massage them into your skin from head to toe, try to stay mindful of what you're doing. You smell the aroma of the oil, feel your fingertips glide over your skin. What changes when you apply more or less pressure?
- Look at yourself in the mirror and try to see all the things that make you beautiful and special. Name out loud at least three things you like about yourself!
- Touch your breasts, your vulva, your bum.
- Maybe try some of the yoni massage steps yourself. (You can find instructions online.)
- Bit by bit, start satisfying yourself purposefully.
- Play with your possibilities: Consciously switch to your non-dominant hand, try new toys or try to generate maximum arousal purely anal or only by stimulating your nipples.
- Whatever you do, be patient with yourself and try to keep your mind on the task at hand. As in any other meditation process, you may observe thoughts that arise and gently push them away without judging yourself for allowing them.
At the peak of pleasure
The conscious approach does not exclude hard stimulation methods! Discover what feels good to you - but don't limit yourself to one technique. In addition to the intimate stimulation methods, don't forget that the rest of your body can and wants to experience touch as well.
To intensify the orgasmic experience, you can stop several times just before the end, just as you might do with a partner. Pause to feel the rise of pleasure again and gets more intense with each time.
Do not be afraid to free your emotions. You can also be loud, laugh and moan alone. Why not?
This will prepare you perfectly for those among your escort dates who are attracted by vocal expressions of pleasure.
Libido and meditation
Guided meditations on the topic of "Mindful Masturbation" exist on the web. You can download recorded meditations texts online that stimulate you mentally or give you touch instructions, that are free of charge or for a small fee.
Many of these meditations are preceded by pre-exercises. Why? Quite simply, any meditation, if practiced regularly, seems likely to pimp your sex life. This effect seems to be simply due to the deep relaxation produced.
Less stress, more pleasure
Most of us rush through our daily life, sleep too little and are always a bit beside ourselves. Meditation can compensate for this behavior. The moments with yourself provide the missing moments of relaxation. You are fresher and more rested.
These changes have an impact on your hormone balance. You're able to get out of attack-or-flight mode because your dopamine and serotonin levels balance out.
These happy hormones are essential pleasure guarantors as counterparts to the substances adrenaline and cortisone produced under stress.
Excessive cortisol levels are considered libido killers. They cause erection problems and reduce a woman's ability to orgasm.
So: Please relax first, then go to bed. Sounds strange, but it's true. Especially since improved self-awareness will increase your ability to recognize the needs of others. Another point that should be very useful to you as an escort lady.
Men who like to watch women
The idea of meditative masturbation does not have to remain a solo game. With a little imagination, it can also excite in doubles. Many escort clients love to watch the sensual action of masturbating women. With the appropriate arrangements, the most diverse scenarios can be constructed from this.
- You could play a guided meditation. Your date has the chance to intervene at any time. Depending on your character, he can of course simply enjoy your play with yourself.
- You can let him choose toys and techniques.
- Those who like you a little more dominant must watch without being allowed to touch themselves. There are nice penis cages that help keep the man's options low.
- Maybe some clients also enjoy speaking meditative instructions themselves...
- or they like it when you comment on what you're doing.
- Voyeurs like to watch you start pleasuring yourself in unusual (but not visible to strangers) places. Here it depends on whether the right balance between surprise and prior arrangement succeeds.
Men masturbating meditatively by themselves
Last but not least, meditative masturbation is of course also possible for him. Verbally gifted escort ladies can speak tender instructions. With a little sensitivity, you will succeed in stopping him again and again shortly before his moment-of-no-return. This can also increase the pleasure for him.
Desire for sex and a sensual body sensation
If you know exactly how your body reacts to which touch, you can, as you can see, achieve a lot.
For women, it is a huge advantage to be comfortable with yourself and your own body - in the escort service, this is even more true.
If you experience yourself without judgment in your desire, like to show yourself and be seduced, you should perhaps think about making your preference a profession.
The fixed framework conditions are a clear advantage over the unpleasant surprises that await you in a one-night stand. With an agency partner, someone always knows where you are, so you are largely safe from unwanted attacks. On top of that, the payment is not too tight. An effective and time-saving option to earn money on the side.
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