The truth behind working as an escort in Dubai
Does working as an escort in Dubai sound tempting to you? Rich men, great weather and the sea, it's all really tempting! But it's not that simple!
by Bell Bennett
7 minutes read

Dubai - a dream of emigration and a place of longing for the rich and beautiful. Which escort has not flirted with the idea of making a quick buck in this supposed paradise? The combination seems obvious: The rich sheik or businessman who whisks you away to his yacht in his spare time or lets you accompany him to the sunny side of life. Financial aspects play no role for him and he naturally likes to surround himself with beautiful women.The question is what the reality behind this dream image looks like. Dubai is not only known for its wealth. The limited women's rights in the United Arab Emirates are a constant talking point and Dubai is not a lawful island that would be an exception here. In fact, you are entering a world where prostitution is strictly forbidden and even minor public displays of affection can be severely punished. A world in which you, as a woman, are left to your own devices without any rights in case of disagreements. So what do you need to know about Dubai?
Working more securely in Germany
The expectations of many escort ladies in Dubai
Dubai is synonymous with pure luxury in most people's minds. Many escort ladies think they could easily earn €2000 an hour on the arm of a sheikh and enjoy culinary dishes and upscale events as a matter of course. They already see themselves lavished with expensive clothes and noble gimmicks. Dreaming of parties on yachts surrounded by exotic people in the glittering world of high society. The reality, however, looks markedly different.
Facts you will be confronted with on the ground
1. You don't meet the expected clientele
Arriving in Dubai, most ladies will already be surprised by the type of clientele. No sheikh, probably not even a businessman, orders them, but mostly migrants who have to look after their own money and are unlikely to indulge in luxury with them. If, contrary to expectations, you can prevail against the multitude of other escort ladies on the spot, the wealthy Dubai man will not be able to let you accompany him in public. Whether he wants to or not hardly matters. It would simply be a social no-go for him to be seen with you. If you do, your meetings will take place exclusively in the hotel room.
2. Escort and prostitution are banned in the United Arab Emirates
You will not meet in fancy restaurants, but directly in a hotel room by the hour. An escort service, as originally envisaged, will not be possible in this setting. The blame lies in a double standard, according to which Dubai is well known for its sex tourism, but this always remains illegal.
Choosing Dubai as a place to work is therefore generally associated with a certain risk: on the one hand, you have to prove yourself in a highly competitive market, and on the other hand, you risk a prison sentence of several weeks for even minor offences (such as a breathy peck on the cheek in public).
3. Information and contacts are the key
You probably already know from these superficial hints: Dubai is not a place where you should offer your services completely naively.
If you want to take on the difficult overall situation, you should first gather information.
You need to know what you are allowed to do as a woman and what you are not, how you have to behave in public spaces and where you are tolerated as an escort lady. Without contacts, you risk serious missteps. Ask around and try to find out how others organise themselves in this situation.
4. Organise a date Local contacts are important because otherwise you will hardly be able to organise a date. Someone has to book a room for you, make phone calls, talk to customers, communicate customer wishes. This may well be several people who all want to be paid additionally for their support. This form of advertising and appointment service has its price. At best, you should be able to advance the money, because of course it doesn't matter to the people who arrange your date whether it actually takes place or not. Portals that arrange dates in Dubai from a distance should be used with caution. Read all the terms and conditions carefully and make sure that you have a safe journey and accommodation - even if you suddenly realise that you have stumbled across a false or half-hearted advertisement or that your date turns out to be completely unacceptable. Always try to get testimonials beforehand.
Hotels that specifically cooperate with escort ladies
It is no secret that quite a few of the big hotels specifically work with escort ladies. If you are able to establish such a contact, you are still not guaranteed the actual job. You merely create the opportunity to stay there close to the customer.
You will have to pay extra for your presence in the lounge and bar. Since the number of such locations is limited, you will be competing for the rare clientele alongside countless other escorts. Under the obviously tough competitive conditions, you have to know how to sell yourself well. The client nevertheless expects a discreet offer and probably feels rather harassed by aggressive acquisition measures.
It is a fine line between elegance and eloquence that only rarely leads to success. Well-known hotels where you can promote yourself in this way are: Radisson SAS, Metropolitan Hotel in Dubai, the red square club at the moscow hotel or the Sea view hotel.
Staying in a "legal vacuum
Good organisational chains and secure contacts are also so valuable because, should problems arise, you are generally on your own. If you are asked for more than you are willing to give or if you are simply robbed, you alone are responsible for resolving the situation. Despite 30000 imported prostitutes, sex work in any form is a criminal offence in Dubai. You do not have the right to police protection. In case of rape, you may not be considered a victim, but risk severe (sometimes physical) punishment.
Even though Dubai is a comparatively modern city where women can also pursue careers and move freely in public spaces, Islamic culture still applies, as usual in the Arab Emirates. The bottom line for you is that you have to look out for segregated women's and family areas wherever possible, dress rather low outside the tourist centres and, as an unmarried unrelated woman, theoretically should not have contact with any man. Particular care should be taken with same-sex relationships. Although the law has been relaxed in this area, homosexual acts are still punishable.
No easy decision
The dream of a life of luxury as an escort for the rich and beautiful of Dubai's high society is therefore quite difficult. Nevertheless, it is not impossible to earn big money where others go on holiday - as long as you have good contacts and the right amount of luck. However, if you want serious clients, an agency that stands behind you and accompanies you, security and still a very good income, you should apply to one of the most successful escort agencies.
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