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The cock ring is better known in Germany as a penis ring. It is therefore a ring that is placed around the member and the testicles. While many men are familiar with the cock ring or penis ring, just as many contort their faces in pain when they hear about it. This seems understandable at first. After all, it's about tying off a man's best piece with a ring made of silicone, plastic, rubber or metal, so to speak.

The use of cock rings/penis rings is not so widespread. Many men have not yet tried the accessories listed under sex toys. But you are indeed missing out! One of the effects of the cock ring is that it makes the penis bigger. Of course, the penis is not really bigger in general when men use a cock ring. But the member at least appears significantly larger and plumper, which is because a blood stasis is caused.

The cock ring, which is often made of soft and supple materials, is placed around the penis and testicles. There are also variants that only enclose the scrotum. Both basically have the effect of preventing and delaying the backflow of the blood that flows in during an erection. The result is not only a bigger, harder penis, but also a much stronger erection that lasts longer. Men who have already tested the cock ring also say that the feeling during sex was significantly more intense.

A cock ring can therefore bring every man a considerable gain in pleasure. The same applies to women because they usually enjoy the harder and larger penis very much. The cock ring can also help women to have an orgasm by directly stimulating the clitoris. Other functions of the penis ring are, on the one hand, the training function to basically work towards a longer erection. On the other hand, the man's orgasm, i.e., ejaculation, is delayed by the cock ring. The latter, as well as the guaranteed stability, provide more self-confidence in bed. Sexual insecurities about performance can therefore be overcome well and naturally with the cock ring. Longer fun and better sex then ultimately lead to an increased sense of well-being as well as better health and more satisfaction.

If you want to try out the cock ring, you don't have to buy the most expensive one. It is recommended to start with a size-adjustable penis ring made of silicone. Because if the size of the cock ring is chosen incorrectly, two situations can occur, and one is as unpleasant as the other. If the ring is too big, it will have little or no effect, which would indeed be unpleasant. But if it is too small, the man could suffer painful, though usually temporary, damage. Of course, the blood has to be able to flow back at some point, otherwise the member will turn blue in the worst case.

After your first experience with a cock ring, you can try other variations. There are penis rings in different materials and with different functions. Vibrating penis rings, for example, increase the positive effect for women and men.

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