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Coitus interruptus

It's spectacular how many terms related to our sexuality come from Latin. This also applies to “coitus interruptus”, or CI for short, which means interrupted sexual intercourse. About two generations ago, this method of interrupting sexual intercourse was still the most widespread method of contraception. Especially because there was a lack of widely available alternatives at that time! The first condoms made of animal skins were already available in the middle of the 17th century. However, they were not affordable for everyone and unfortunately not very reliable.  Meanwhile, however, coitus interruptus has become unpopular in large parts of the world — for several reasons. Firstly, according to current knowledge, it is the most unreliable way to avoid pregnancy. Why? Well, even before ejaculation, the male member often secretes what is called the droplet of desire. And in this one droplet there are already quite a few sperm cells present, which could well fertilize an egg. In addition, it takes quite a bit of concentration and willpower for a man to find the exact moment when he has to withdraw. Normally, only experienced men can do this on a fairly regular basis. This method is probably not particularly relaxing or pleasurable either. In addition, most couples want to climax while the man is inside the woman and not break off the act prematurely. On the other hand, pulling out the member does not protect against infectious diseases. However, this is generally not the case with sex without a condom, so it is always not advisable if you have just met your sexual partner.

Modern contraceptives, such as the colloquial “slut bag”, the IUD and the birth control pill, only came onto the market later. Therefore, women had no other option for contraception in the past — unless, of course, you count abstinence on fertile days. However, this is only a reliable method if you study the subject of cervical mucus (also called the Billings method) in depth. In some cultures and religions, however, contraception by hormonal means or condoms is frowned upon, even “forbidden”, to this day, and is accordingly largely rejected. In very Catholic regions of the former Eastern Bloc or in Islam, for example, coitus interruptus is the only accepted practice to avoid childbearing. Couples in which one partner is highly sensitive or allergic also practise CI because medication or latex are not tolerated. In very rare cases, coitus interruptus is also used because a couple fundamentally rejects medical products or plastics. Of course, the CI is always environmentally friendly. In recent years, coitus interruptus has also become a form of sexual intercourse for many people. So-called tantric sex, which focuses on physical closeness and intimate connection, is less focused on actual penetration. In this context, many couples find it extremely pleasurable to push sex to the brink of climax several times and to pause shortly before ejaculation. This increases the arousal and prolongs the actual act many times over.

CI is therefore only suitable as contraception if couples would not say no to an addition to the family. In other words, they do not actively plan a pregnancy by practising sex according to a schedule. But if it happens anyway that there is an offspring on the way, they would be happy about it. If you belong to this category, try interrupted sexual intercourse. You might even enjoy it. But if a baby doesn't fit into your life plans at the moment, it's best to stay away from this rather old-fashioned contraceptive method called CI.

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