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Along with the penis, the testicle (lat. testis) is one of the most important primary sexual characteristics of the male. The scrotum, in which two movable testicles are located, is situated between the legs, directly below the penis. The epididymis is also located directly next to the ovoid, paired testicles. In adult males, the scrotum is covered with pubic hair. The testicles and scrotum are also often referred to in colloquial language as eggs, balls, sack or even family jewels. The testicles themselves are the gonads of the male. That is why they are among the most important male sexual organs. They are where sperm and hormones are produced. The hormones (such as testosterone) are important for the development of secondary sexual characteristics. If a man lacks testicles, he is therefore not only infertile. In addition, his appearance is not typically male (e.g. less body hair) due to the missing hormones. Similarly, the sex drive in men without testicles is greatly reduced. Thus, the scrotum is not only one of the most important male sex organs, but also one of the most important erogenous zones in men. Therefore, many men like to be (gently) stimulated in this area during sex. By the way, this can be done by hand or orally. If the testicles are taken into the mouth during sex, this is called teabagging.

The testicles are normally present from birth, sometimes they are still inside the body and only slip into the scrotum later. During puberty, the testicles then start to grow and sperm production begins. Inside, each testicle consists of hundreds of fine tubules and about 350 testicular lobules. After sexual maturity, sperm cells (spermatozoa) are produced in large numbers in these testicles. In healthy men, there are up to 100 million sperm cells in one millilitre of seminal fluid (sperm). These are ejected with the sperm through the ureter during ejaculation. A man's testicular volume can provide information about the functional state of his testicles. If the volume of the testicle is less than 8 millilitres, it can be assumed that sperm production is impaired and the man is probably infertile. After the 40th birthday, the weight, volume and sperm production of the testicle gradually reduce in most men. However, a man's gonadal function does not suddenly stop at a certain age. Both the production of hormones and the maturation of germ cells can continue into old age. However, many men do become infertile sooner or later in old age, but this is not the same as impotence. Infertility is when too few or too slow sperm are produced, whereas impotence is the inability to have an erection and ejaculate. Thus, men may be infertile in old age, but not impotent. After all, there are reports of men who have still fathered children at over 100 years of age. For most men, the testicle is also the most pain-sensitive point on their body. That is why in many sports it is protected from external impact by a special jockstrap. Injuries to the testicles are indeed extremely painful. The most common diseases of the testicle include testicular torsion, undescended testicles and epididymitis.

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