Wet dreams
As soon as sperm production starts during puberty, so-called wet dreams can occur. This is when you have an orgasm with ejaculation (ejection of semen from the penis) while you are asleep. This is also known as pollution because the semen leaves stains on the bedclothes, pants or pyjama bottoms. Wet dreams usually occur during dreams that contain erotic images. The same term is used when a woman orgasms in her sleep, although wet stains do not usually occur in women. However, the vagina does get wet during erotic dreams. Wet dreams are therefore not triggered by masturbation during sleep; they occur without manual stimulation, i.e. only through subconscious fantasies. Sometimes you wake up from a wet dream, but sometimes not. Similarly, sometimes you can remember the dream, but sometimes not. The whole thing happens completely subconsciously.
The wet dream in men is a natural way for the body to expel excess, old and spent semen. When sperm pressure is too high, wet dreams are more likely to occur. So, the likelihood of sexual dreams with orgasm is increased if it has been a long time since the last ejaculation. This is because more ejaculate then accumulates in the testicles. Erotic experiences during the day can also trigger wet dreams at night. In this way, our brain enables us to have sex with idols such as models and film stars while we sleep. Accordingly, repressed or suppressed sexual longings can show up in wet dreams, since the normal prohibitions and ideas of norms have less effect during sleep. For example, if one regularly dreams of sex with the same sex, this can be a sign of such a subconscious longing. Wet dreams first occur during puberty, when the body begins to produce more sex hormones. These dreams are a normal part of growing up, and you can't prevent them. They are not a cause for concern — rather the opposite: they are a sign that everything is fine. Adults can still experience wet dreams, but as they get older, wet dreams tend to become less frequent, which is not least related to sexual activity.