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Yoni is a word from the ancient Indian language Sanskrit and literally means “origin”. In Tantra, the term is used for the female genital area, i.e., the vulva, vagina, and uterus. However, the word yoni has many other meanings, all of which also imply something sexual. Some of these are: Origin, source, womb, loophole, abode, nest, receptacle and many more. In Tantric, the yoni has always had a special significance. For centuries, it has been revered and sung about in flowery paraphrases such as “gate of life”, “magic flower”, “female temple of lust”, “fragrant rose” or “sacred womb”. Tantric sex is all about spirituality. The physical union of man and woman is seen as something sacred, liberating and creative. The yoni has a special significance in that it brings forth new life. The high significance of the female intimate zone, however, is not recognized or expressed in many other languages and cultures. On the contrary, there are several words for vagina that either sound corrupt or rather derogatory. With the term yoni, the Indian language thus sets itself apart from all others.

Meanwhile, Tantra sex has also found its way into Western cultures. More and more frequently, one encounters courses in which women can get to know and understand their yoni better. The focus is on:

  • Establishing a good relationship with the body and especially the yoni.
  • Discovering a free and natural way of dealing with one's own sexuality.

One could also say that it is about the liberation of female sexuality. Because globally, women's sexuality is still much more suppressed than men's. Women who dare to express their sexuality are not allowed to do so. Women who dare to live out their sexuality as they wish are quickly pigeonholed. They are considered promiscuous, are called sluts or even whores, and are sidelined by society. This is both culturally and religiously conditioned. In some cultures and especially religions, it is considered downright offensive to broach intimate topics outside the marital bedroom. In Indian Tantra teachings, however, sexuality is by no means separated from religion. In fact, they openly go hand in hand, for here there is nothing offensive about the union of man and woman. Yoni massages are intended to help not only the woman but also her partner to explore the female intimate zone and to understand how pleasure arises. Women who know their yoni well know exactly what touches, tempos and activities they desire at what time. Yoni courses help to express these desires and not to wait chastely and reservedly for the partner's approach. Relationships in which both partners have intensively engaged with the yoni and its spiritual background are, according to many statements, much more intense and fulfilling. And this by no means refers exclusively to sexual intercourse.

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