Actually, everything is clear, isn't it? But what was the difference between travelling costs and expenses?
There are many different technical terms that have a different meaning in escorting than you might think at first glance. Find out what the terms mean in escort
by Bell Bennett
7 minutes read

If you have already read up on the subject of escort and have had a look around our website, you will certainly have stumbled across one or two technical terms that do not ring a bell or where you do not know what you are supposed to understand. If you're completely new, we'll clear up a few possible misunderstandings right away. What is the difference between an agency contract and a placement contract? Is it the same as an employment contract? So let's start right away, I would say...
What does overnight mean?
An overnight date is a date that lasts longer than 12 hours. Overnight is from the English and means overnight. A client can book the escort lady for an overnight date in a hotel or at home. The date starts in the evening and ends in the morning. Dear ladies, don't worry, this does not mean that you have to be intimate with the client for 12 hours or more at a stretch or turn night into day. Most overnight dates include a dinner together to get to know each other better, an intimate part and of course a night's rest. There are also longer overnight dates, which have a duration between 14 - 16 hours and offer you and the escort client more time together, you can get to know each other in the evening over dinner, enjoy your intimate time and sleep in the morning and possibly have breakfast together.
What exactly is an enquiry?
In the first step of an escort booking, the client contacts the escort agency. Some escort clients have a precise idea of which escort lady they would like to meet, others only give the agency the city and the time or duration, for example. Now the escort agency sends the lady a non-binding enquiry as to whether she is available for the escort client at the specified date and place, as well as at the specified time of the date. This is non-binding and only serves to know whether the escort lady could and would like to accept the date. If the client has several ladies to choose from, it is crucial for success to answer the agency promptly. Nevertheless, an enquiry does not mean that the client wants to meet the lady 100%. An enquiry is often confused with a reservation or a firm booking. When making an enquiry, the lady can clearly say: "No, I don't have time". Or "That's not convenient for me."
What is the reservation?
And now we come to a firmly booked date. If the escort lady agrees with the escort client and the client decides in favour of the escort lady, the date is firmly reserved. During the reservation, additional information is also exchanged. This is the amount of the fee, travel costs if applicable and the wishes of the customer. Of course, an escort agency for the lady clarifies all these things with both the client and the escort lady. In contrast to the request, the lady can no longer say, "Oh, now I have something else planned for that day". If an escort lady cancels the binding reservation of her own accord, she still has to pay the agency commission to the escort agency. If the guest cancels the binding reservation, in the worst case the escort lady has kept the time free for nothing. The client does not have to pay any fees in this case.
When do you get travel expenses and when do you get driving expenses?
Sometimes in our articles we talk about travel expenses and travel costs. This means the same thing. In our sedcard of the ladies, in the fee, the travel costs to the next bigger cities are listed. Travel costs are charged for a lady when she has a date outside her place of residence. The travel expenses are paid to the escort lady by the escort client and depend on the distance from the escort lady's place of residence to the meeting point with the escort client. If the escort lady is booked from Frankfurt to Vienna, she has several possibilities to get to her date. She can drive to Vienna in her own car, take the train or even fly. With such a long distance, there are additional expenses that the client pays to the escort lady. These can be, for example, for food or an overnight stay in a hotel, because the date ends late or begins early and the lady does not want to arrive overtired for the date or sit in the car to drive home after a long date. When travelling by train or plane, it is of course always possible that the flight back will not leave until the next day. Expenses are usually between 100 - 150 € and are individual and according to the situation. Of course, an escort lady does not have to pay a commission to the escort agency for the expenses and travel costs. All these things are recorded in the agency contract, but what is the agency contract?
What is the security check?
In the case of hotel bookings, the security check refers to the verification that the client is actually in the specified hotel. During a home visit, the escort agency also checks whether the escort client lives at the specified address by requesting proof of address from the client or by making a call to the client on the landline. If the escort lady works independently, she must take care of the call and the proof of address herself. After all, no escort lady wants to stand in front of a closed door because the client was a fake visitor.
What is the difference between the agency contract and the mediation contract?
- The agency contract is the contract that an escort lady concludes with the escort agency. The following is regulated in the agency contract:
- The performance of the agency
- The services of the escort lady
- The remuneration
- The duration of the contract
- The confidentiality
Both the escort lady and the escort agency must adhere to the binding agency contract. But what is regulated in the agency contract? We at BB Escort use the words synonymously. This means that the agency contract is nothing other than the brokerage contract.
Registering and terminating with the escort agency
When an escort lady goes on a date, she registers with the agency. At our agency, this works via an app. When the lady is on her date, has met the client, then she logs in. If an escort works as an independent escort, then she should look for a trusted person to whom she sends a short message that she has arrived at her date. Signing out also works in the same way. Once the escort has left the hotel or the client's house, she logs out of the escort agency in the app. This way, the colleagues at the agency know that everything worked out in terms of time and the escort ladies are on their way home. Signing out an independent escort works in exactly the same way. She simply sends a message to her trusted person that she is now on her way home. In this way, the escort lady can always protect herself and ensure her own safety. Are you familiar with escort terms and are you curious to try out the job as an escort yourself? Then apply today without obligation at BB Escort.
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