What you should know about the vagina
About half of humanity has it, yet most people don't know much about it. The topic is the vagina!
by Bell Bennett
6 minutes read

About half of humanity has it, and yet most people don't know very much about it. We are talking about the vagina! Big, small, long, short, wrinkled, smooth, light or dark — there are many variables that make up each vagina. Ugly vagina or beautiful vagina? We think all vaginas are fantastic! And why? We'll explain in this article.
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Structure of the vagina
Everyone knows that the male genitalia consists of the penis and testicles. But did you also know that the female genitals consist of the vulva and vagina? While the term vulva refers to everything that is visible on the outside, the vagina describes the inside. Colloquially, the entire genitalia is also simply called pussy or mumu. The latter is a term that is often used for (small) children. In fact, there is no official name for a woman's entire genitalia. Yoni (the common Hindu term for the female genitals) and vulvina (composed of vagina and vulva) are currently under discussion.
The vulva
The external - that means the vulva - includes the labia, the clitoris, the urethra and the vaginal opening.
Facts about the labia
The first thing you usually see is the labia. There are four of them in total - two outer and two inners. Each woman has a unique combination of size, fullness, color and length of her labia. For some women, the inner lips are longer than the outer lips.
The vagina can look so different
What makes the clitoris so important in lovemaking?
When the labia are slightly open, the smaller parts of the vulva are revealed. The clitoris, also called the clit, is actually a scaled-down version of the penile glans. The clitoris can swell to twice its size during sexual arousal. But there' s a reason why the clitoris is so important in lovemaking. It is much more sensitive than the male glans. There are 8,000 nerve endings on the clitoris - only 4,000 on the glans. The smaller surface of the clitoris means that the nerve endings are closer together. For this reason, the clitoris is about 50 times more sensitive than the glans! You should definitely keep this in mind for your next adventures!
The vagina
The length of the vagina is about eight to twelve centimeters. When aroused, the uterus pulls upwards, exposing another twelve centimeters. There are folds on the inner wall of the vagina. These increase the friction on the penis and thus increase the sensation for the man. During childbirth, these folds support the stretching.
The hymen myth
The hymen is located at the entrance to the vagina. Actually, the hymen is a remnant of evolution, just like the male nipples. What the hymen looks like differs from vagina to vagina. The entrance to the vagina can be only ring-shaped or completely closed. The latter must be treated medically. In general, the hymen is very stretchable, so it does not necessarily have to tear during sport or sex - which makes the name hymen questionable.
Myth or legend - the G-spot
Another male invention or discovery is the G-spot. Whether it exists anatomically or not is still unclear. By stimulating this area, women are supposed to be able to experience an intense orgasm. Even if it is not scientifically proven, why not try your luck? To find the G-spot, you need to penetrate about three to five centimeters into the vagina. On the vaginal wall facing the abdomen, you should feel a rather rough area. Once you have found it, you can stimulate it with pressure and friction.
The scent of roses...
... you will probably look in vain for a vagina. The smell of the vagina - also affectionately called the smell of pussy - depends on various factors and can be completely different even in the course of a day. Mango, blueberries, pineapple and raspberries can be used to improve vaginal odour. Natural yoghurt and sauerkraut also help to improve vaginal odour - water softens the smell. When aroused, the vagina smells like musk.
How should a vagina be cared for?
Basically, the vagina and vulva hardly need any special attention - at least as far as special care is concerned. The miracle organ vagina cleans itself with the help of vaginal discharge. The pH value of a healthy vagina is acidic and is around four. Inside, the sexual organ is populated with a variety of germs and bacteria. These are extremely important in order to be able to fight harmful germs and bacteria at an early stage. Cleaning with soaps or washing lotions disturbs the pH value. Due to the disturbed pH value, the important germs and bacteria die off. Therefore, the motto for the vagina is: less is more! If you still want to do something good for yourself, you can regularly offer your vagina fresh air. Summer is a good time to do this - just wear no underwear under your dress or skirt. In bed, too, wear airy trousers without underwear or sleep naked. This may not only make your vagina happy.
The vagina is a muscle that can be exercised
Contrary to the assumption that sex would wear out the vagina, it can actually be exercised instead. The exercises target the pelvic floor. Women like to call the best-known exercise the “lift”. How does it work? First, you have to tense the pelvic floor — as if you had a full bladder but no toilet nearby. After about 10 to 15 seconds, let go. You can repeat this game as often as you like. The advantage: the exercise can be done anywhere and in any position. With tools such as love balls, you can train your pelvic floor even more intensively.
To find out how fit your pelvic floor is, you can try “holding” your inserted finger or your partner's penis. The stronger the grip on the penis or finger, the stronger the pelvic floor.
Fun facts
- Men have up to five erections at night — and so do women.
- These nocturnal erections in women can last up to an hour and 20 minutes.
- Each day, the vagina secretes about a full teaspoon of discharge for cleansing.
- There was an online voting poll for the most beautiful vagina.
- The colour of the vagina changes for some women in their twenties.
Well, could we convince you that the vagina is a real wonder of nature? Take the time to explore and examine this special part of the genitals in detail next time. There is so much to discover and try out.
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