Sex fantasies- what women secretly dream about
Top 11 female sexual fantasies: Public places, role-playing, dominatrix play, and more. Find out what women truly desire!
by Bell Bennett
7 minutes read

Whether secretly or not - sex takes place in the mind and sex fantasies are simply part of it. But how can you know what's going on in your loved one's fantasy? What is she dreaming about and what erotic dreams has she possibly wanted to live out in the real world for a long time? We asked and were allowed to gain a deep insight into the top eleven hot, dark and wet sex dreams of women.
1. Sex in public
One erotic fantasy that is quite common in the ladies' world is sex in public. Whether it's in the car, on the beach, in the quiet of your favourite restaurant or in a poorly lit back alley, the thrill of being discovered fires the imagination. That's not surprising - you'd certainly like to give away your sweetheart outside the four walls of your home, wouldn't you? What is stopping you from realising your secret wish? We would guess that your partner certainly has nothing against it. On the contrary: your wicked idea will certainly be received with enthusiasm.
2. Submission á la 50 Shades of
Both the books and the film trilogy were literally devoured by millions of women. For the first time ever, an often concealed sex fantasy was made public and acceptable through its appealing realisation. But what is the appeal of this erotic fantasy? After all, a good 25% of ladies dream of being tied up, blindfolded, gently beaten and having candle wax on their skin! It's all about the feeling of being at the mercy of others and just the thought of it makes many women's hearts beat much faster. Since they also don't know what to expect next, women experience submission sex particularly intensely. And many men really enjoy bringing their sweetheart to the brink of ecstasy in this way.
3. Three or four?
What has long been considered a typical male sex fantasy is also worth considering or even hot dreams for many ladies. About 15 % of women cherish the dirty thought of ruffling the sheets together with their best friend or a sexy colleague and their own partner. Often, this erotic fantasy also focuses on a friendly couple with whom you get along particularly well. If you are one of those men who can identify with these sex ideas, feel free to bring up the subject with your partner. We can tell you this: It is not unlikely that she will share your erotic fantasy and immediately suggest that you turn it into reality soon.
4. Being seduced by the boss
Many bosses are real doers, simply masculine men who know where things are going. Some ladies could very well imagine being asked into the boss's office again during the lunch break or after work. In their erotic thoughts, the boss then tells them quite bluntly that he has always found them hot and finally wants to take them - right now, directly on the desk. Already a very erotic idea for many women? After all, there is something forbidden about it and you could get caught on top of it.
5. Sex with another woman
About a third of all the ladies surveyed would very much like to try eroticism with a beautiful woman. This does not at all mean that these ladies are lesbian or bisexual. But the idea of having one's own body explored by soft female hands is very arousing. Moreover, since women themselves know exactly how to give pleasure to another lady, many can't get the idea out of their heads. After all, sex is all about enjoyment and that often comes up a bit short - sorry dear men - in everyday sex with a long-term partner.
6. Dominatrix for one night
Finally tell your partner what's going on in bed and don't let him contradict you or move if she hasn't allowed him to! Did hot-cold shivers run down your spine when you read the last sentence? Then you are one of those gentlemen who like to give up the reins during sex and relinquish the lead. Here too, as with submission, it is not essentially about pain - although you may notice that the lady also means what she says. It is rather the idea of being the mistress of the situation and having your partner in the palm of your hand, which has something dirty, forbidden about it. And at the same time outside of what is considered "the norm". For this very reason, many women get wet in the panties just at the thought of giving orders to their man. So we can only give you one good piece of advice: Do it at last! Believe us - she's been eagerly waiting for this for a long time.
7. Countless variations due to role-play
If you would like to slip into a role during sex, you are like many other men and women. Just escape reality for an evening and be who you want. So perhaps ladies slip into the role of "Catherine the Great", who was notorious for her rampant sex adventures? Or do they see themselves more in the role of the successful businesswoman who hooks up with a one-night stand. Possibly the ladies would like to be the shy housemaid who is seduced by the lord of the manor? Role-playing inspires the imagination and enriches sex life - even with your own husband.
8. Beautiful stranger
How hot is the idea of sitting alone in a nice bar and being specifically approached by the most attractive guy far and wide! Many ladies have had this rather common female fantasy flit through their minds more than once? From that point of view, welcome to the club! Unfortunately, this scenario does not happen in reality as often as women would wish.
9. Of fitness trainers, diving instructors and ski instructors
The majority of women have had a secret crush on a particularly sporty sunny boy and would have ended up in bed with him without hesitation. Many women share the fantasy of making the bed shake with young, much sought-after men. And many are successful at it, because surfer boys and tennis instructors enjoy being desired and are only too happy to give in to their own sex thirst. So you know what to do now, muscle up and hit the water or the gym.
10. Sex in the pool
It's warm, moist, caresses the body and perhaps offers bubbly bubbles to top it off: Who doesn't like to sit in the (whirl) pool and enjoy? If you immediately think of sex when you hear this description, you will have an easy time realising your fantasy. Because when you have sex in the water, not everyone immediately sees that she is flying towards her orgasm. And if you do get caught, just look for her lost bikini panties. Sounds easy - and it is. So head to the nearest sauna oasis or fancy hotel pool and enjoy the time with your partner, she will most likely have the same dreams.
11. You can leave your hat on
You can only guess how many times women have shed their sexy clothes piece by piece to this world-famous Joe Cocker song. The fact is that a lot of women want to seduce their man to the hilt and undress for him. Your partner too? You're guaranteed to be on fire at the thought. All you have to do is choose a suitable song. A little tip from striptease experts: If you sit on a chair, you can get right down to business after the erotic undressing and the ladies can sit down too. You know: on you. And as for the hat, she can safely leave it on.
If you as a man have sex fantasies that you would like to live out, you can book an escort lady and let your dream come true. Contact us, write us your ideas, fantasies and desires. We will find the right lady to live out your sex fantasy.
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